The Ideal Woman…..

    There are acquaintances who may view me as the ideal woman because I make a decent presentation, and unlike most women I always start every relationship as a friendship. No muss, no fuss, just spending time together, exchanging ideas and taking part in various activities. I think because I don’t make demands or … More The Ideal Woman…..

Hot & Fast…..

  My critics have often described me as hot and fast. I am sure I might radiate a little heat since I am from the Caribbean but FAST? Hmm…that idea requires a lot of thought because I am a person who analyzes everything. If I go to the store to buy tissues, I have to … More Hot & Fast…..

God Knows Best……

The older folks use words of wisdom to bring comfort by saying, “God never makes a mistake…” Sometimes we easily accept these words of comfort and other times it makes us absolutely bonkers! However, I do believe there is some truth to their simple yet effective remark. Deep in my heart I always knew God … More God Knows Best……

The Plague…..

Women have mostly cozied up to me to find outĀ  my most intimate secrets or to explore the manner in which I operate. Rarely, do I find true friendship and camaraderie with other women. It always seems that they are forever in competition mode. My gramps always told me, “Have many a friend and treat … More The Plague…..