The Great Big Cover-Up

One January afternoon I went for a Sunday drive to get the newspaper and some other items. As I was on my way in my jeep Cherokee, I stopped at a red light which was at an intersection.

The light changed green and I proceeded to cross the intersection, when a black, Toyota corolla hit me full blast. The next thing I knew, the SUV and I had turned over several times and at one point I was unconscious for a few seconds, maybe longer. When I awoke I was in a panic because my right hand had busted through the glass on impact and was dripping in blood. I was tangled in my seat belt, practically kneeling on the floor and I smelled smoke coming from the vehicle.

My claustrophobia began to get the better part of me, because I was unable to detach myself from the seatbelt. I was not  able to make it to the back of the vehicle to escape through the back door. The only thing that came to mind was trying to roll the window down and yell. I knew it was a long shot because it was on a desolate Florida street. The only help I had in my heart was hope.

Suddenly a simple looking, caucasian guy appeared out of nowhere, he had a glow around him. He was dressed in olive green and he seemed to know my plight so well. He immediately went into action releasing the seatbelt from around me, and helping me to escape the vehicle. He was also very worried that the truck was going to explode. Within seconds the sheriff’s department, police, and fire trucks were on the scene.

It was then, I found out I had additional injuries. Not only did my hand require stitches, but my glasses had become embedded on my face, and I had sustained a gash which was bleeding profusely. The paramedics had to put me on a stretcher because they were concerned there were internal injuries and also injuries to my spine, spleen and my head.

At the time all I could think about was that I was in a strange place and I was going to die all alone. I needed to speak to my parents, so before going off to the hospital I insisted on sending word to them about my condition. Although I may have thought I was alone, God sent his angels all along the way to travel with me.

The emergency personnel were very congenial and responsive to my delicate and fearful state. It is a terrible thing when you have claustrophobia, and you aren’t suppose to move for fear of internal injuries and you are in flight mode. Thank goodness for well trained people.

Once I got to the hospital it became a marathon of tests and then they finally told me about the injuries I had sustained. I had a dislocated hip, back injuries, a severe concussion, knee injuries and my right hand was injured. Strangely enough it was the middle finger on my right hand that had sustained the most injury.

I asked to be released from the hospital because there was not much they could have done for me because I believe in natural medicine and I felt quite uncomfortable. So in shock and dismay I called a cab and hobbled home. My SUV had been deemed a total write-off.

The days following the accident consisted of me going back to the place where they stored my vehicle to have the damages appraised. When I went there I realized how lucky I was. The SUV was smashed up beyond repair. There was a miraculous medal that I kept next to me at all times and that was the only item I was able to salvage. I believe it played an important part in my survival.

After careful consideration of all the injuries I had sustained and seeing the carnage, I came to the conclusion that the other party had to have ran the light, and he floored the vehicle. I felt it was a deliberate attempt on my life. I also felt that the traffic devices were tampered with.

My intuition told me I needed an attorney, therefore, while going for therapy and treatments, I had the grueling task of enlisting attorneys. Oddly enough, no attorney would take my case. I even called Johnny Cochran in New York, and they told me, “This is not something we handle.”

The more I kept getting rejected, the more I realized that this was not an ordinary situation, foul play was definitely at hand. I refused to give up and kept looking in the phone book for counsel, until I found one firm that seemed decent enough.

The attorney was very sympathetic to my plight and seemed interested in taking the case, he even gave me hope that he believed my story regarding the events. A few days later, I got a note from my insurance company informing me that the other party was suing me for damages. Therefore, it was good instincts on my part to have sought counsel, however that was short lived. Within one week of accepting the case, I got a letter from the firm informing me that they were withdrawing from the case.

Therefore, I decided to be my own counsel. Before the court date came around, I decided to assimilate the events of the accident. I wanted to test my theory. It was my opinion that the driver of the black corolla floored the car while running the red light. I didn’t just base this fact on the actual incident, but I remembered looking at him right before they placed me in the ambulance, and the hatred that I saw on his face, and the wild look as if he had been drinking, told me all I needed to know.

The day of reckoning came, when we had to go to court, the woman who was “reported” as driving showed up. She could hardly speak proper English. It wasn’t that she was a foreigner, but her linguistics was that of someone you would deem illiterate. Nevertheless, with all my fancy research, facts and paperwork, they ruled in her favor, awarding her $13,000 of my money. Everything in my being told me that something was rotten in Denmark. At the time, I was just too exhausted and sick to get to the bottom of it.

One thing that I did try was to use matchbox cars to recreate the incident, testing my theory of physics and trajectory, and there was no way that I could have caused that damage to myself or anyone else for that matter. I knew for sure that my theory was right. The driver of the black Toyota corolla floored the car and the traffic devices WERE tampered with.

Someone wanted to put the fear of the devil in me. Not God, but the devil, because God does not do such evil things.  Southerners find smart, quick Northerners a threat and I believe it was their way of “slowing” me down. They were trying to “dumb me down”. Instead of shining like a morning star, they wanted me to flicker like a lightning bug. All I know is, this event was the most neatest, tidiest cover up I have ever seen in history. Everyone was in on the big pay day. However, I do believe in karma, and know that anything that is gained through chicanery and ill-will can only bring grief and misery in the long run.

I also know that not only were traffic devices tampered with but road signs and road directions were misplaced and turned around for their own sadistic purposes.

These past few years I have contended with excruciating pain and discomfort, without getting any compensation for my aggravation, while connivers walked away with  cool paydays and trying to stick me with the guilt of everything, when they know deep in their hearts that they deliberately targeted me. I know God is not sleeping, and come hell or high water he will reveal the error of their ways.

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