Psychic Obsessions



When you are young and do not have a frame of reference for life, you rely on others to show you the way. I went through a period of my life where I had psychics on speed dial.

I consulted with them for everything under the sun, from career, health to love. They were my go to people for anything that was transpiring in my relationships. Psychics usually tell you generalizations regarding what is going on in your life, safe guidelines that could be happening to anyone.

In my experience dealing with psychics I generally ended up telling them about their lives, and I was usually quite accurate. The funny thing with psychics is, they usually either tell you things that scare the daylights out of you or they make the future seem so nice and rosy that you become addicted to the fantasy and keep going back for more.

I remember going to a psychic once who told me I would be married within the week. My friends were so excited, they kept asking her, “When? Where? We need to know because we have to get ready.”

I mean it was just comical. She was so convincing with her directives, that even though I knew it was far fetched, she had me thinking it could be a distinct possibility. Another time, I consulted with a psychic regarding career matters, she told me, “You are going to have a massive empire, and it will change your life.”

Well, I am still waiting on the empire to be formed, and as far as the change of life part…..She probably meant hot flashes and all that other stuff. That part may have been true.

I have found with psychics that you have to really ask the right questions, like, when? where? what? who? Because if you don’t get time frames, locations and an accurate description of people, your life can literally turn into a circus. You spend more time wondering, “Maybe this is the part when this situation is supposed to happen?”

I think you only end up being more disappointed about life if things do not unfold precisely as they predicted.

Now, that I am older I realize psychics are really for people who are insecure and have no experience in thinking for themselves. Every time that I have thought about consulting one, it was because I was experiencing self-doubt and lacking confidence.

We are all like little children, constantly seeking that pat on the back saying, “Hey, it’s okay, go on, you are on the right track.”

Psychics have caused me a world of unnecessary worry. They would tell me that a relationship is in jeopardy because my partner was cheating, or thinking about it, then I would turn into Inspector Cloisseau thinking that I could solve the mystery. I only ended up opening a can of worms, making my life more miserable.

The women of the older generation usually say, “If you go looking for aggravation, you will certainly find it…”

Oftentimes, my quiet, content life escalated to craziness, neuroses and mayhem because some lady or man with a crystal ball pointed me into another dimension.

I think it is a good thing to rely on God for the future. He may not give us time frames or draw diagrams or maps for us, but he has a track record of keeping his promises. Therefore, I know that when I pray, that even if my prayers don’t get answered today. They will eventually get answered.

God may be slow, but he is always sure.

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