The World of Finance

We work because we want to improve our career prospects and also to make money. At the end of each work week or pay period, we expect to be paid.

When people we have known, with exemplary track records of paying us, suddenly become unreliable, and things go “helter-skelter” it causes us much anxiety and grief.

Primarily, because we have our own commitments to honor, and when we are not able to honor them because of other’s short comings, it casts us in a shady light. I have been through situations where I was paid for work done only to find out that the checks bounced from here to Japan.

I never felt uncomfortable depositing the payments because the parties had good track records. However, people change. It becomes an unfortunate situation when you are not able to make good on your promises to debtors. Unless you are independently wealthy or have a trust fund to fall back on, most people rely on their jobs to pay their bills.

Even if you have savings, and you keep dipping into it every time there is a crisis of non-payment or bad payments, eventually you will be left with zilch. The purpose of the American Dream is for folks to build upon what they have already accomplished. If corporations and employers are not forthright and honest with their employees, then, the dream turns into a nightmare.

Finance makes the world go round, it enable us to have a life. Although people may tell you the best things in life are free. Most people want payment for goods and services. In the old days, people used to barter and that was completely acceptable. However, today, people want cold, hard, cash.

When large entities are unsympathetic to their employees’ plight with regard to bad payments or lack thereof, it speaks volumes about them as human beings. It tells us that they do not care about us as humans and are not phased by our difficulties.

In the workplace today, people are forced into acting as if everything is just fine financially in their lives, because the economic prejudice that lurks would ostracize them from advancing within companies. Therefore, most employees find themselves going bankrupt keeping up with the Joneses.

The general tone of corporate America is, only the “Haves” are welcome in Industry. Many workers are afraid to show financial deficiencies because they will be perceived as hungry and desperate. Yet, the whole point of working is to achieve monetary goals.

Working is noble, but I don’t think there is a person alive who just works for the fun of it, especially when he/she is young. Working and making money allows individuals to build, create and design lives. When others decide not to exude integrity by being slick or inconsiderate, it only messes up plans.

Steady progress is only gained through hard work and appropriate compensation. When one party does not keep their part of the deal, it throws the whole dynamics off. Then, the penny section begins to wonder why you are not excelling like everyone else.

The answer to that is, they don’t have to deal with the charlatans and the deceptive individuals who are doing their best to destroy your rendition of the American Dream.

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