Hot & Fast…..



My critics have often described me as hot and fast. I am sure I might radiate a little heat since I am from the Caribbean but FAST?

Hmm…that idea requires a lot of thought because I am a person who analyzes everything.

If I go to the store to buy tissues, I have to figure out if they are two plies or one ply, if they contain fragrance, who makes them and how much they are. Then, I have to figure out, if purchasing them makes economic sense and then it boils down to brands.

Every single area of my life is treated the same way. When I go shopping, I generally know what I want. It is just a matter of price, materials and getting a good bargain for the money I am spending. I apply this principle in all areas of my life.

If people perceive me as “hot” it is only because I know what I want and what I don’t want. I can generally tell after a three-minute conversation with someone if we are going to make it or not. Most people have to perpetuate the agony in order to get to the broken heart part. Not me. I don’t throw myself at anyone, however, I usually can tell if there are visible signs of life or chemistry.

Then, it becomes a matter of getting acquainted, which takes me quite awhile. The punctuality test has to be passed, the sensitivity test, the generosity test and the search for signs of chivalry. Sometimes you have to really pay attention to find acts of chivalry because as many may suspect, it is a dying art.

If people think I am fast, they aren’t possibly talking about my relationships because I don’t take crap and it takes me a long time to warm up to someone. I am often quick witted, and I don’t like to waste time doing things. I pride myself on trying to be swift, by finding faster ways to accomplish tasks.

One of my pet peeves are people who drag out every aspect of their lives, I am sure you are familiar with the drama queen who has a saga going on with her boyfriend since 1873, or the employee who takes one whole week to drag two or three pieces of paper across his/her desk to “milk” the work day.

When it comes to matters of living, I like to be effective and prompt, because my life is fast moving. The moment I am not paying attention, all hell breaks loose, so I have to be on task at all times. If this makes me fast, it is a badge I will gladly wear with honor.

It is a skill to be fast and accurate. If you are fast and inaccurate all the time without making accomplishments, then you are just Speedy Gonzalez on steroids. I try to be swift, accurate and accomplished. Especially when doing mundane tasks. It frees up my time so that I can do other things that I enjoy.

When my critics speak of me, they make me sound as if I am a corvette or a race car. Corvettes can go from 0 to 60 miles in less than a few seconds. In love, I am much too practical and analytical for that, however, if someone mashes my corn, that is a whole different story.

My idea of “fast” is someone who throws his/herself at every Tom, Dick, and Harry. Someone who is always making themselves “nuff”. You know the kind? They have to be everywhere, doing everything, knowing everyone. They live to be seen.

As a Scorpio woman that does not pertain to me. I am very low-key in my actions and usually prefer to observe the world around me from a nice view. In Jamaica, we have a saying, “If it’s egg, he/she haffi be inna de red…”

It simply speaks of persons who can’t let life go on without them. As far as I am concerned, life is not more interesting than me. I am life and I am interesting. Therefore, wherever I am it is always teeming with joy, fun, and excitement.

I can’t help it when people who are drawn to me feel the need to act swiftly. But, I usually determine the course and velocity of my ship. Suitors may come with many ideas and modes of operation, but ultimately I choose a manageable course.

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