The Ideal Woman…..




There are acquaintances who may view me as the ideal woman because I make a decent presentation, and unlike most women I always start every relationship as a friendship. No muss, no fuss, just spending time together, exchanging ideas and taking part in various activities.

I think because I don’t make demands or over impose myself into lives, the relationships usually take on a life of their own. This is why I am a firm believer that men and women cannot be friends. Because no matter how many boundaries are drawn, in the end, one person wants to cast aside the boundaries and that can be detrimental to any budding friendship. It is the easiest way to watch a cherished friendship flat line.

The really ironic thing about being some people’s ideal woman, is the fact that once they enter your world and see that you have flaws and human frailties like every other woman on the planet, they are disappointed and disillusioned.

I am always myself. I believe that each person has a public persona and a private image. I basically live by the principle, who you are in private reflects who you are as a person. Therefore, although when I am not in the public eye I opt for a more relaxed look, like not wearing make-up, and being more casual, however, I still try to maintain a sense of decorum.

Even when I am alone, and a belch accidentally escapes, I remember my social graces by saying excuse me etc. I do not try to stray too far from the person that appears in public. Because it is my philosophy that someone is always watching, including God.

I think most individuals will see the glamorous side of a woman, and automatically assume, “Oh, she’s a wild one! I bet behind closed doors she’s fourth of July and Christmas at the same time.”

Well, that is where the disappointment comes in. I am as proper and reserved inside as well as I am outside. With me, what you see, is what you will get. There is no trapeze artist waiting to burst out.

I may be witty, comical, humorous and may even seem at times like one of the boys. But when it comes to actually living my life, I am 100% woman and I believe the proper way is usually the best way to go. I will never waiver to impress anyone.

I find it absolutely funny when I am perceived one way, and knickers get twisted in a bunch when reality bites. Hence, the image of the ideal woman gets tossed to the curb and trampled on.

It is a powerful way of being when you can “kick it” with friends without acting rude, lewd or vulgar. I have the ability to share some likes and dislikes, yet, not succumb to their vices. Some may say, it is titilating and may be misconstrued as teasing. I view it as being able to understand the other half of the world much better.

When acquaintances and friends are in a “no holds barred” environment, their true personality surfaces. It’s sort of like when people drink alcohol and they start telling others off or saying hurtful things. It is usually the truth. The alcohol just gives them the guts to do it. It is the ultimate truth serum.

It is my belief that in order to know someone, you need to spend time with them without any expectations, deadlines, ultimatums or quotas. Only then, will their inner child come out and play, giving insight to the real person that lurks within.

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