
Extended family is great especially if they are positive people and embrace you with love and kindness.  If they spew hate, malice, and derogatory gossip, it is best to forego the family connection. When I am dating someone I often like to know the family I am dealing with. Primarily because, if you do decide … More Monsters-In-Law

Elusive Travel

I love the concept of traveling. Traveling opens the mind to new places, cultures and people. It expands our horizons. The act of traveling has become a chore in the past few years due to the annoying behavior of terrorists. I have been traveling ever since I was a youngster. However due to a few … More Elusive Travel


The “beecher”, the moaner, and the whiner…..All adjectives used to describe me. Everyone, beeches, moans and whines to some extent. If one is tired , he/she talks about how tired they are until they get rest. If one is upset, he/she beeches and moans until he/she gets relief. If one is sick, the whining is … More The BMW


I just love when people misuse words to describe others. I find it quite comical because the words they often use only helps to solidify the fact that they do not know the person/persons they are talking about at all. It just proves their extent of being acquainted with the individual is merely superficial. Another … More “Ordinary”

My Fishbowl Life

Everything that I have ever done from a child up until this point has been watched and remembered with the utmost scrutiny. From a very early age I knew that I was not like other children. Every word I spoke, every action, every behavior pattern was monitored, analyzed and then critiqued. This is due to … More My Fishbowl Life


A good hostess makes sure her house guests are comfortable and offers them the very best. Good or proper guests should strive not be over demanding and know when not to outwear their welcome. Ever since childhood, I enjoyed having houseguests, however, back then, it was a whole lot easier because we were fortunate to … More Hostess


I think about death often and frequently. Why you may ask? Because I have been dealing with it since I was a baby. When I was two years old a car knocked me down and left me unconscious, while in my father’s hand. I was in the hospital for several weeks without any hope of … More Death

Blowing Up Barbie

To most people, I may seem like a doll because of my ability to be a chameleon.  I like changing my looks and fashion trends to keep life interesting. Some people either like it or they find another reason to add to their list of reasons why they despise me. The strange part about life … More Blowing Up Barbie

On Being A Lady

Most people believe that by the mere fact that they are female, it automatically gives them ladyship. I beg to differ. Being a lady is a very complex task. I know others may perceive me as this brash, tuff, little tyrant, but it is all in the package of being a lady. If anyone is … More On Being A Lady