Ten Things People Never Knew About Me….

My life has been riddled with ill-conceived notions and ideas of me. Some of the misconceptions people have harvested are partly due to my mini interactions with them. For the most part, I find that most individuals I have encountered in life try to give me a hard time. Depending on the way you treat me, is the catalyst I will use to reflect the good quality or poor manner in which I have been received or treated.

Here are ten things most folks don’t know about me:

1). I am a believer in long term relationships and marriage
2). I think in life it is important to blend contemporary technologies with Victorian ways
3). I believe in tradition and legacy
4). I am a geek at heart
5). I love good, solid furniture
6). I prefer peace and I don’t like arguing
7). I am a survivor of bullies
8). God is my guide
9). I may seem easy going but at times I am a task
10). Despite everything I have experienced, I still believe in love,
family, miracles and magic

To sum the person up that is me, basically boils down to the facts that I am an individual who still believes in God, tradition and not taking crap from anyone. I prefer peace but if someone disrupts my equilibrium, I have no problem telling him/her to take a hike.

I know at times that life can be hard and situations make absolutely no sense. But I think the Universe at times surprises us with sprinkles of love, doses of miracles and magic, making life more than worthwhile…..

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