The New Dating Game


The new dating game dictates that women have to go trough hoops in order to win the men they desire. For instance, on the show “The Bachelor” I find that the women are always ready, willing and able to strip themselves down and get into a hot tub or jacuzzi with a guy they barely know.

Then, if that is not bad enough, they have to sit by and watch him date and dole out kisses to all the girls that are presented to him. It seems to me there are no boundaries. How can anyone make an appropriate decision based on kissing a bevy of girls and indulging in sybaritic pleasures with all of them.

To me, it just complicates matters and this is the reason why very little of the pairings work out and why these girls and guys have such a difficult time making sound decisions.

In real life, if a woman behaved in the manner that is allowed on “The Bachlorette”, she would be considered a garden tool. When a man dates in the real world, he separates the contenders from the women he just wants to have fun with.

In his contenders category, are the women he may make plans with, take home to momma and celebrate holidays. On the fun list, are the women he has occasional dalliances with and sometime uses as arm candy.

The point of the matter is, a man in real life is able to make objective decisions quite clearly because he compartmentalizes the girls he dates.

When sex or other physical intimacies come into the picture, it is difficult to be objective. Women have been battling with this issue for years, and I believe men are no different. Most people say women give of themselves to get love, while men show love by digging deep into their pockets.

It is my belief, even though men can be objective when they want to be; I also think if they are intimate with too many girls then sometimes they end up developing habits which are hard to break. Some would even go as far as mistaking their attachments for love, when indeed it is really lust tugging at their libido strings.

I know if I had a daughter and some guy gave her the challenge of climbing up a sky scraper to prove her commitment or her lack of fear, I would send her to a Psychiatric Institute for evaluation. First of all, I would like to think I would be capable of raising a woman who has her own thoughts and encourages independent thinking. Therefore, when some man, no matter how handsome or successful he may be, says to her “Do this or that…” she will turn politely to him and say, “Gee, I really like you, but this suggestion of yours doesn’t work for me.”

If she wanted to, she could follow-up with an explanation, such as, “I really don’t know you that well, so why would I risk life and limb for you?” Then she should pose this question to him, “If you had a daughter would you want her to be this insecure?”

I am quite sure he would say, “No”.

For years women have been partaking in death defying acts and running through hoops to show their worthiness to males. The truth be told, when a man gets zapped by the love bug, he could not careless if she can play jax or jump rope. He is so enamored with the woman, that it becomes enough for him.

I have seen this evolution so many times in my male friends. They all have this long list with regard to their perfect partner, and when lightning strikes their hearts, the friends standing by are grateful if she can count to ten.

Let’s face it, men are first attracted to physical appearances, personality, character and then brains. It is very rare when a man is able to accomplish attaining all these attributes in one package.

All the women who compete for guy’s hearts are doing themselves an injustice by being a cookie cutter image of their competitor’s. Shake the trees a bit and be different. Say an emphatic, ” NO!” when you are asked go skating over an ice covered lake.

You may not win a popularity contest, but I am sure you will gain respect for being an individual. The least that could happen is that the ratings get boosted because of the drama that would probably ensue as a result of you objecting.

Either way it is a win-win situation. You get to keep your self respect in tact and the show wins accolades……

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