My Thoughts on Obamacare


There have been several politicians who have sought to bring healthcare to America, however up until this point they have not been successful….Why?

Because there was a movement working behind the scenes to take over. In the past few years Americans have come under siege through natural disasters, and reversal of prosperity that have dramatically altered lives and sent even the most prosperous Americans into brankruptcy.

The opportunities and financial successes that once existed in America, are slowly dwindling away little by little. So I started making keen observations. People are being forced into a socialistic way of living.

Most companies are no longer providing healthcare, so a large percentage of the population will be forced to join Obamacare. What is Obamacare all about?

I believe it is a means for the Government and other entities to firmly ensconce themselves into your private lives. Quite bluntly, I believe it is about sex, drugs and only God knows what else?

I think Obamacare is a way for Africans to gain control of America and they are using President Obama to do it. People can gain a lot of power and information by other individuals’ health information.

Although I believe the President has good intentions and will probably become notable in the history books for making great strides, I do believe there are other entities that are seeking to take over and may use their affiliations with him to do so.

There has been so much skepticism regarding Obamacare and its glitches and whether or not it is effective. I believe the kinks that needed to be worked out was God’s way of saying, “Proceed with caution.”

The siege on America began with terrorism. It was then, our privacy as human beings began dissipating with invasive searches and x-ray machines. What are they looking for? Terrorists in our bodies? Stowaways in our luggage?

It seems to me they should concentrate more on scanners for the facilities in which aircrafts embark and disembark. Because it is usually while they are busy rummaging through innocent people’s things that the terrorists are busy lurking in unsuspected areas and making their way through unsupervised entries and exits.

When elaborate devices such as body scanners come into play and x-ray machines, that suggests to me that science experiments are underway. Perhaps they are seeking to create the next genetically, perfect generation….????

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