Legally Blonde

legally blonde

My whole adult life I have been plagued with questions regarding ethnicity. There were some people who thought I was Sicilian because of my caramel complexion and the fact that I wore black all the time. There were others who became frustrated and just deemed me as the “white bitch”.

Anyway, as I have said many times I rarely thought about race or ethnicity until I migrated to America. My family never made it a point to say this is what you are. Therefore during my exploration of life, I researched many various ethnicities trying to find out where I belonged.

It wasn’t until I relocated to Florida that my heritage became very apparent to me. After being plagued with questions of, “Are you black or white?”

It became time for me to really examine my ancestral heritage and myself. I was sick of people wanting to know if I was born a dumb blonde. It wasn’t that I was dumb intellectually, but some of my mannerisms were that of a crazy white girl, therefore it was difficult for others to “place” me or figure me out.

Believe me, when I say that certain cities in America are not all they appear to be, some of the cities that exist in America are more sophisticated than most people think. They are rich in science and fact-finding missions. This is why I believe God lead me to Florida because the matter of my ethnic origin had to be straightened out once and for all.

After extensive research, it was determined that I am as naturally blonde as they come. Although at times it may not appear that way. On paper, my origin speaks of Jamaican-Asian, Indian, Scottish, Mexican, Irish, Dutch and Greek. When I was younger I could not identify with all these ethnicities but now that I am older I see it in all the tasks, activities, hobbies, and interests I am drawn to.

When I was a little girl I used to make some very off the charts remarks, not even I knew quite where I got them from. My uncle at times would ask me if I thought I was a Dutch person living in Jamaica. At that time I did not know what to answer or say. But, having been on the odyssey of my life I think I do have the answer and that would be, “I dare say, I might just be Dutch or legally blonde for your information…”

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