Testing The God Theory

Ever since I can remember God has been a very important part of my life. My Granny impressed upon me how phenomenal God is , and we only need to rely on him for all our needs. As an adult, I prayed to God and he answered most of my prayers. However, there were times … More Testing The God Theory

Teachers’ Burdens

When I lived in Florida, I decided to try my hand at teaching. I felt it would be rewarding devoting time and energy to the betterment of youngsters. I was fortunate enough to secure a position at a private school which catered to children between the ages of 12-18 years old, who suffered from Attention … More Teachers’ Burdens

Out of Order

What gives people the right to think they can hate on others who chose to love inter-racially or to marry foreigners? Personally, I think they are downright out of order. No particular race has a claim on anyone, because the truth be told most people are a mixture of many races. Therefore, if a person … More Out of Order

Airport Mascot

Traveling takes us on all sorts of exciting adventures however when flights get cancelled or we are subjected to delays no one is ever a happy camper. There were times in my life where missed connections or delayed flights caused me to go bonkers at the airport. It seemed as if it was always a … More Airport Mascot

Places of Anxiety

Every human being has emotions that get stirred by certain memories or by visiting certain places. For me, there are places, that the mere thought of them brings me joy, euphoria, and calm. Places such as museums, beaches, and gardens brighten my world. They often make me feel better than when I first ventured to … More Places of Anxiety

Self Time

Did you ever just have days when you just wanted to come home kick off your shoes, order take out and just zone out? There are plenty of times when I feel that way. Especially when I lived in my family’s home. After being subjected to long waiting times in order to prepare my dinners … More Self Time

Cutting The Mustard

  During our lives we grow up seeing our families procure legacies such as property, lifestyles and ways of life, yet, as we mature we seldom know the secrets of their successes. Some families leave financial legacies so their children can build upon, however, if the children have bad management there will be nothing left … More Cutting The Mustard

The Greatest Scams

There are scams in this world that no one talks about. As a matter of fact, most people act as if they are normal events of life because they are so cleverly masked. For example, I have found that in certain instances the institution of marriage is being made a mockery because those who are … More The Greatest Scams