Last Words…..


It is important to pay attention to the parting words of loved ones, sometimes they are trying to give us hints regarding what they are going through. There are times when I am reluctant about a situation I am entering, I would say, “Wish me luck!” or “Do you think everything will be okay?”

Once I get the reassuring nod, it somehow makes me feel better magically. Whenever my paramour and I spoke on the phone and we discussed getting together, he would often times stress, “You know I want to see you, even if it means I die trying….”

I just thought it was his way of being funny, He always had a rye sense of humor. However, when various diabolical plots began to unfold in my life, I realized the words he chanted so many times were not idle banter but they were his secret code words for telling me that something horrific was about to ensue.

For some reason, our relationship bothered so many people on so many levels and I am not quite sure why. It bothered them so much, they either wanted to get me out of the way or try to eliminate him. It wasn’t until I had experienced a few near death situations; and one afternoon after experiencing a scene right out of the Godfather with him, I began to realize, things were about to get serious and not in a good way.

We had been leaving an establishment via an underground garage and suddenly a van pulled up which looked like they were making a delivery, but to me it seemed staged, I had an odd feeling, I felt as if a “hit” was about to take place. He hurriedly grabbed me by the arm and we both matriculated in an oncoming crowd and evaded the perpretrators.

I know you are probably thinking I have a vivid imagination. But in Jamaica, we have a saying to honor intuition, because if it doesn’t go so, it goes close to so. Therefore, I am sticking with my beliefs.

Last words are imperative, they give clues to someone’s state of mind. Or they can tell what someone is looking forward to once out of your presence. In my world, there is an underground movement who are bothered by my love interests and are severely ired when I am in a happy situation, almost to the point, where they would commit homicide…..

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