Reality Bites….


When I was 12 years old I wanted to become a Dietician. I dreamt of marrying someone from the Mediterranean. Please don’t ask me why the Mediterranean, it is just a notion I had…. I wanted to live in a separate house from my husband, in a tropical oasis. I felt if I was privy to his malarkey, I would not be able to contain myself. I thought, I would probably have to make tons of money or, he would have to be a man of means to be able to afford two residences in close proximity of one another.

I also thought I would have two children, Isadora and Ivan who would probably go to military school or boarding school abroad. I never imagined, my life would encounter a plot twist which would take me in every direction except where I thought I wanted to be.

Interestingly enough, I did date someone from the Mediterranean, and I did manage to become a Naturopath, which includes healing others through nutrition and diet. So, I guess in a way, I did accomplish part of my dream.

It is funny though, because when you are growing up, adults tell you if you follow a linear path you will have a desired result. Most scientists would agree with that fact. But life is not an exact science, it is filled with quagmires, twists and turns.

My path to attaining part of my goal was one filled with rugged, unchartered territories and at times improvisation. Nevertheless, I have found all roads, eventually lead to the same destinations. We can travel the world, or try to elude life, but if God has a specific plan for us, come hell or high water we will get to our destinations.

My journey was geometrical, at times going off the roads more traveled to get my desired results. There were times when the paths never made any sense to me and then I experienced God winks years later, defining why certain routes were necessary.

As a child, I often got scolded for not being a planner or having too much of a relaxed approach to life. After much prodding and motivating, I have become the planner extraordinaire, but here is what I found out. While we are busy planning, God is busy fine tuning his plan for our life. So, even our best laid plans get upset because he has things to show us along the way, to prepare us for our ultimate destinies.

There are times when I wish I could embrace the child who was relaxed and had a cool approach to life, instead of being so intense about everything. Because in the final analysis, we have to wait on God’s time and the path he has mapped out for us.

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