Thy Word Is Thy Bond…..

In my life there aren’t too many people who have kept their word to me. Except for my biological mother during her moments of equilibrium; and on occasion, my adoptive mother has come through for me in certain instances. My aunt who raised me only makes promises she keeps and my other aunt makes promises … More Thy Word Is Thy Bond…..

Am I A Twin….?

Although my middle sister and I are approximately ten years apart, there was a time when I referred to her as my twin. When my sister was about 15 years old she had grown to be as tall as I was, our mannerisms, likes and dislikes were similar, we also had hairstyles that looked alike. … More Am I A Twin….?

Mary Magdalen

Let’s talk about Mary Magdalen one of the most notorious “sinners” in the bible. Although she was a sinner and a woman with a reputation God never treated her any less or tried to have her ostracized from society. On the contrary, he embraced her, because although she may have been accused of having a … More Mary Magdalen

Crafty Employers

Nowadays, it is like the wild, wild West, when it comes to employers and their modus operandi with regard to their employees. The job market has become so competitive due to escalating unemployment. Most employers are ensconced in positions of power because a time in American history has come where they are able to pick, … More Crafty Employers

Phone Ettiquette

One of my greatest pet peeves happens to be when you telephone someone and they say, “I’ll call you back.” For the most part, those who practice good phone etiquette will make good on their promise to return the call. Then, there are those who are atrocious at following up with regards to communications. It … More Phone Ettiquette

Mona Lisa Frowns

In life, we all presume certain emotions just normally fall into place because after all, most human beings are the same, right? Actually, this way of thinking is a myth. Each human being is a sum of his or her experiences, and as we all know, no two human beings have the same experiences, even … More Mona Lisa Frowns

Marked Women

Why is it when men cheat, they are easily forgiven, but the women they cheat with are forever labeled harlots, home wreckers and tarts? It doesn’t matter if they instigated the affair, or the fact they were probably less than forthright about their marital or relationship status. The other women men cheat with are forever … More Marked Women