MENSA Connoisseurs


There are times in my life when I may not appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed however it does not mean I am an imbecile or a “thickie”. Most of the times when I do not appear sharp as a whip, it is usually due to my absent mindedness or my blonde moments. If people were judging me by academics they will find my intelligence is above average.

I may not be a member of the MENSA, High IQ Society, but I have been known to hold my own among the brightest scholars of our time. When I am engaging in stimulating exchange of ideas, discussions and lectures among people who are intellectuals, I somehow rise to the occasion. But, when I am dealing with simpletons, at times, they tend to stunt my intellectual capacity.

But, like the old timers often say, someone can be book smart and common sense stupid as well, which also translates as smart people, foolish choices. I happen to think I possess both, because if I did not I probably would not be alive telling my tales. I am often mystified by individuals who think they have the market cornered on intelligence. These would be the men and women who may be able to achieve longevity in their jobs through elusions yet their husbands and wives are giving them “bun” right under their noses. These are the people who act as if they have life all figured out, yet they can’t seem to control their home lives, let alone their children.

I am often judged because I do not think the way other people do. I have my own unique way of processing information. When I do not act in the manner they want me to, it is bedlam and mayhem and they roll out the P-Touch labeling machine.

For instance, when working amongst men, they tend to be cut throat and only out for their own survival. Meanwhile, I usually see a way where I can attain a particular goal and still maintain my integrity. I am often ridiculed for having honorable approaches to life. I am deemed as being a Joey incapable of making sound decisions.

From earlier on in my life I knew I was meant to be a leader, therefore I have my own way of thinking and doing things. Any good leader is often open to suggestions. In the end, he/she incorporates others’ styles and formats but still maintains his/her integrity and originality. I find most managers, supervisors and leaders of organizations to be cookie cutter images of each other. They all think they are MENSA connoisseurs but given the chance to swim in the big leagues amongst society’s brightest many usually get left behind.

Some business analysts would even go as far as saying, their leadership eventually becomes extinct, irrelevant and unnecessary because they all think alike.

I am no braggart but, I have swam among the big fish and I have competed on an intellectual level. I have either tied with them or surpassed them. God never made two people alike, not even twins. He gave each person different ways in which to grasp information and to inculcate information. Many people comprehend things differently and that may be due to ethnic differences, regional differences or religious differences.

During my tenure in the corporate, professional world I have been scrutinized shamelessly for my modus operandi. The times when I was criticized were very specific instances when I was going through physical unwellness. Anyone who is intelligent will know when a person is suffering from chronic migraines and sinusitis, there is a certain amount of brain fog which occurs. On those days, it became a task for me to make even the simplest of decisions. Therefore, I have always opted to make cameo appearances on my un-well days. What is the sense in making a decision if it is going to be a bad one? I never make decisions just for the sake of doing so.

Normally, it would not bother me what others thought, but when meddlesome people begin applying pressure to my family to disown me or throw me out because I am an arse, that really makes me feel sad for humankind. I have always said, I am not everyone’s cup of tea and that I am an acquired taste. Many clever people will recognize my brand of intelligence and the real nit pickers will try to trivialize my mental abilities.

In the words of Rhett Butler, “Quite frankly my dears I don’t give a damn.” Perhaps if I was given a dunce cap to wear in school everyday it would have bothered me, but since I used to whip the boys’ arses when it came to subjects in school, my academics speak for itself.

The true mark of an intelligent human being is to have the good sense to allow others to discover their own genius. Nothing good was ever achieved from anyone spewing negativity and expecting to yield positive results. If you are so fortunate to be in a teaching role, and you are not effective, then perhaps something is wrong in your deliverance or methodology.

It has been my experience that when people feel ill prepared to deal with certain tasks, they blame the desks, chairs, weather, pens, pencils and even the person he or she is leading, instead of looking within…….

Bun: Jamaican word for cheating

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