Clearing The Air


I have been a private person ever since I have known myself, however, the past few years it has become necessary to clear the air about certain untruths which have been circulating with regard to my life. Without sounding repetitious I would just like to reiterate that I was legally adopted from the time I was approximately six years by my biological mother’s brother.

Therefore, due to my biological mother’s illness I was separated from her for several years and never began any sort of relationship with her until I was well into my late teens early twenties. There would be occasional visits that were supervised, but until I was old enough to get around most of our interactions was via the telephone.

The reason why I am re-hashing all of this, is because there are certain members of my family who have been spreading propaganda regarding my life. They have been riling up the masses with lies such as reporting that my love interest and I are doing extremely well, yet my biological mother lives on welfare.

First of all, I have done okay for myself, but nothing has come to me easily. Everything I have ever attained came through hard work and tenacity. At this point, I do not consider any of my career endeavors to have taken me to the great heights of which I am capable of. Each opportunity has been a stepping stone to something better. Secondly, what my paramour has, does not concern me. Whatever he achieves is his own, and I do not feel I have a right to it unless we are married or he chooses to include me. Even then, I have to be fair because I did not help him build his empire.

Therefore I cannot expect him to take on my burdens as his. It is a different thing if he feels the necessity to help. Other than that, the relationship is about him and I, and no one else. Thirdly, my biological mother has never been on welfare. Due to her mental condition, she is considered as having a disability which is covered under Social Security.

There was a time in her life when she held positions of prestige and made a good living on her own, independent of my father’s situation. But, when she got sick, her career fell by the wayside. Lastly, I was raised by two working parents (adoptive) who taught me the importance of a good work ethic. So when others criticize me because they think I am living high on the hog while others are suffering. They have my life all wrong.

My career path has been about earning to survive. Regardless, if I held positions of authority and prestige, the pittance they gave me was just enough to prevent me from drowning. The truth be told, one visit to any of my specialists cost almost as much as some people earn on a weekly basis.

I have worked diligently in my life so I can afford to have comfort, which is a nice abode, a reliable car and funds to sustain myself. Although I may have good intentions, it is not always feasible for me to act upon it. The strange thing is, the relatives who are spewing these lies and ill-conceived notions are the ones who came from less than stellar beginnings.

An interesting person once told me, “Certain behavior patterns such as smoking, drinking, illicit sex and unwed pregnancies all come with a certain stigma and mindset”. I am not a snob nor do I encourage snobby thinking, but I am inclined to believe these stigmas are true with regard to rumour spreading tendencies of others. The people who partake in these endeavors are usually the rebel rousers of our times. Instead of minding their own businesses they are forever counting cows.

Some of these family members who are busy crucifying me have all come into great inheritances, and even though my biological mother was good to them at one point or another they never sought to give her a dime out of any of their fortunes. In life we can point fingers at other people but we must be privy to the fact there is always a finger pointing back at us. If they feel so bothered by the situation, then write a big fat check and then there will be no issues to kvetch about.

These familial critics of mine, are constantly peering into my business making mountains out of mole hills and at times, not even accumulating the correct data. They just chatter like empty vessels, spewing poison everywhere and disrupting lives unnecessarily. I think it is a good rule for people not to talk about others until they know the real facts about any situation. Because if their information is not correct, the only thing they manage to do is look like arses, and tick folks off in the process with their bollocks.

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