Shoplifting The Fruits

Concertgoers Waving Cigarette Lighters

We currently live in a society where innocence is lost. Why you may ask? Because people who are in influential positions are not setting a good example for the younger generation. Most women choose to bare their wares for all the world to see, which makes the art of navigating life for other young women arduous and painstaking.

When women put themselves on display by showing their bristols, kit-kats and their bums, they send a message to men that all women are free and easy. Feminists fought to get equal rights for women, and after that fight many men assumed we all wanted to be manly.

Men cannot understand the reasoning behind our fight for equality. Women just want the playing field to be fair in the sense of pay and treatment. Instead, they misconstrue our campaigning to mean that we want to compete with them on a masculine level. Perhaps some women do, but I don’t believe the majority of women want to be masculine. We just want respect and to be treated with dignity.

Here it is many moons later, and we have not accomplished equal pay and some of us are baring our arses to set us back a few eons. You may ask why I am twining on about feminism and women wanting to bare it all.

Well, it seems as if almost every day there is a newscast about some woman being taken advantage of and the sad part is, a good percentage never come forward until decades later. Why? Because they were either paid off or intimidated.

The astonishing facts about these matters are, there are women willing to forego the degradation and indecency of being wrongfully assaulted by putting a price tag on their ordeal. If a woman is defiled, her life is threatened and the lives of her family may be put at risk to cover up the dastardly deed. However, having an attitude of boldness encouraging them to go forward with their homicidal acts can only work against the evil perpetrators.

The reality is, they will no longer be dealing with a rape charge, but homicide. If they think getting a piece of the fur muffin is worth 20 to life and being subjected to a taste of their own medicine well, they know more than GOD.

It saddens me to think there are women who will endure pain, suffering and criminal activity for monetary gain. When you are wronged and defiled, no amount of money can restore your heart and soul to its original state. Only God can do that, if prayer is already part of your life.

There are so many people who have forgotten the power of God and don’t even acknowledge him, so when things go wrong the pain and anguish seems insurmountable. There are young girls going to school, and they are afraid to use the latrines because at anytime they can be accosted by both males and females.

Around college campuses women are raped at alarming rates and everyone remains “mum” because they fear retribution. The stewards of the universities are afraid precious funding will be taken away by affluent families.

Influencers in our society are subconsciously creating a rape culture and the rest of the “normal folks” are being forced to deal with it. Young girls have to remember that these starlets that bare their bits are surrounded by bodyguards night and day. Therefore, when they emulate them by dressing skimpily they are just encouraging the sick puppies that exist in society.

Many of them are already revved up from obsessing over their favorite stars, while you are more accessible….So guess what? You become the lucky winner of their sick, sadistic quest for gratification.

Mothers are doing their daughters an injustice by allowing them to join the expositon of the nethers revolution. Most women are being brain washed to believe unless they are showing everything then they are not relevant. I believe if a man is worth his name in gold, he would much prefer a woman who is pristinely and moderately dressed. It creates a certain curiosity about her personna…Will she or won’t she?…Get my drift?

Have you ever seen a woman dressed immaculately to the nines, hair perfectly coiffed, clothes hanging impeccably? Doesn’t it make you think, I wonder if she ever chips a nail, breaks a sweat, rip her nylons or gets her hair tousled?

The same way we as women may contemplate another woman’s look, so does a real man….He begins to think, I wonder if there is another side to her? The cloud of mystery she creates makes him want to pursue the chase.

We all love mysteries, whether they come in the form of a book, a movie or life, we stay tuned until we can unravel the mystery. The women who are letting it all hang out are just defaming the sisterhood every step of the way.

So, when a man wants to know you better because you have dangled several carrots to get him riled up and you accept the challenge in the name of “career endeavors”, “personal pursuits” or whatever, don’t subject yourself to being alone with him in a hotel room, or in his controlled environment. Go to a public place or take him around your family members. Because, if he missteps they are sure to give him a flogging.

Back in the 80’s it was prevalent for young upstarts to try pulling the wool over innocent damsels eyes with games of wanting to make them a star or part of their lives. The truth is, some famous athletes, stars and notable individuals are full of themselves and seek to validate their male egos through taking advantage of women when they are unaware.

When they are not successful, they fabricate inaccurate stories or talk a lot of gibberish to give themselves importance. When they are victorious at obtaining the fruit by shoplifting it, they use their prestige and money to insulate themselves from their wrong doings.

For the most part, they are given a free reign to do so because in America celebrity is glorified, and most fans are willing to look the other way just as long as they keep “winning”. Our society has become morally ill when women forego speaking up in lieu of payoffs. When decent folks neglect to do the right thing by letting those who are more famous know they can’t drug, ravish and elude to get their own way, we all lose in the end….

When women are defiled they are afraid to speak up because their lives; or the lives of their families are threatened. They also fear being turned into harlots by their peers, the press and media. The truth is, they are going to perceive you as being a whore anyway, so why not be the bad, beechy whore who sunk the ship of deception?

I know in the grand scheme of things it should not matter what a woman wears. She should have the freedom to parade and not feel self conscious or to be abused. In a perfect world, that may be so, but let’s be real. We are dealing with imperfect people who sometimes are not rapped too tight. So why tempt fate and destiny?

It is my opinion that women should not be cowed down by criminal activity geared to make them victims and powerless. Like Bob Marley once said, “Get up, stand up, and speak up for your rights!”

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