Fashion School Rebel




The world is changing in many different aspects, including fashion. I am not one to follow trendy looks because I believe fashion trends come and go, but a classic look withstands eternity. There are many women who are absolute slaves to fashion regardless if the styles are becoming to them. For instance, the outfit attached to this post would probably be considered a date night outfit.

If I were a guy and a woman came at me with such an outfit I would probably grab something metallic to shield myself from being spiked. The leggings are fine, so are the accessories and pocket book, however the leather tank top looks like gladiator wear. Whatever happened to a nice, simple leather top with a few appropriately placed rhinestones for a little sparkle?

A hug would definitely not be in order because only heaven knows if a casualty would result. Or perhaps it may not be a bad idea if trying to keep people away….?

The shoes are entirely a different story. I know it is all the rave to wear stilts, but what has happened to nice feminine pumps? I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade but these platform stillettos are just one cut above orthopedic shoes. From a health point of view, if women continue wearing them they are going to end up with all sorts of alignment problems and feet ridden with corns, callouses and hammer toes.

How about adding some louboutin booties to add a little femininity and elegance to the look?

This outfit is cosmopolitan and cute, but, it can have the same effect without the studded’ leather tank top. Perhaps a tank top which covers more of a woman’s anatomy would be appealing and prevent one from getting arthritis in the cold weather? Just a mere observation…..

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