Forever Guests


In life why does it always seem like the people who come from non-fragmented families, loving home lives and have no emotional issues, tend to get all the coddling and understanding in the world? While those who have been to hell and back seem to constantly get mistreated, shunned and are often shown no compassion?

These behavior patterns just goes to show that life is not always fair, but God is a good God. For instance, there have been about two times in my life when I have felt the need to return to my adoptive parent’s home. Each and every time I am constantly barraged with remarks from naysayers and family members wondering what is taking me so long to leave. Yet, my parents will take on their relatives’ children and have them stay indefinitely without any ultimatums or time constraints. To add insult to injury, they will even go the extra mile to make sure they are quite comfortable, while putting me through the ringer.

Each time I return home it is never with the intention of staying forever. Most of the times it is just to “catch my breath” because of adversity or extenuating circumstances. They know I have been independent since a child, so once I get my bearings I am off to re-conquer the world. But they still make life quite unbearable, opting to give my cousins the red carpet treatment.

I am not a person void of compassion and don’t mind being understanding of others when they are going through difficulties, but let’s be fair here. These are human beings that come from happy family dynamics, they just want to constantly put a chink in my chain, and my adoptive parents give them carte’ blanche to do it.

They often flee their “cushy” home environments because they do not want to abide by their parents’ house rules or whatever. So, they come to Disney World where they can do anything they like, and the bonus is to make my life hellish. My adoptive parents had one set of relatives stay with them for 25 years without discomfort or sense of urgency to leave, and another set have been there almost ten years.

I have never resided with my parents for more than 5 years at a time, even when I was underage.

Now, at first, I used to comfort myself by saying perhaps my cousins had some personality traits that I did not possess. But you know what ? They are a million times worse than I am. They are messy, intrusive and as cold as ice. So I don’t quite know where the value added is coming from.

It is just another paltry attempt of my family trying to sock it to me any way they can. As I have said many times before, none of my adoptive mother’s relations have ever invited me to their houses, except for one of her sisters and a brother; and that was because my parents were going to be there or it was just day tripping. So why do their children feel the need to absorb their entire lives and time?

What would be fair is, if they stuck with their families and left me with mine, instead of trampling on the remnants that I have been handed. It always boils down to them wanting their share, the lion’s share, and anyone else’s they can think of.

My adoptive parents were always so quick to cast me into a jaded world without making sure I was properly seasoned and ready, whilst they often coddled, comforted and warmly accepted other people’s children. Then, they will be the same ones who will sing in my ears, “A parson always christens his children first!” So what am I chopped liver…..?

My parents will be the same ones who will kvetch and kvelle, saying, “I don’t know why she can’t get it together?” But they rarely acknowledge the error of their ways.

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