Revenge of The Drug Dealers


For someone who has managed to keep away from unsavory characters and illicit activities, I somehow get caught up in the most bizarre plots. Lately, I have become aware that most of my unsatisfactory experiences have been a result of several entities at work.

In life we become privy to certain information, but somehow never pay attention to it because we deem it as irrelevant. Then, destiny or the universe forces us to reflect on unfavorable events which lead us to weird places in life.

For instance, I was friendly with a fellow who worked in my office. It was strictly a platonic relationship. From time to time we would exchange our relationship drama. As luck would have it, he had previously dated a girl from my neighborhood.

At the time he was undecided about the relationship because he felt he was being pressured into marriage. I had known of the young woman, and encouraged him to take the plunge into marriage. Several weeks later, he told me he had taken my advice and that they were engaged.

The marriage was a tumultuous one, and after about two years or so, it resulted in divorce. All during this time my friend and I remained conversation buddies. We occasionally went to lunch and hung out after work. He would confide in me that his wife’s shopping habits were making him financially deficient. It wasn’t so much she had an affinity towards shopping. It was the fact that she would run up huge bills and neglect to inform him about the purchases.

He would then receive an astronomical bill at the end of the month. He began working several jobs to make up the deficit, but the stress eventually took a toll on their marriage. During this time, I often urged him to see things her way and encouraged him to work things out.

Somewhere along the lines, other people, including his ex-wife began spreading rumors that I was responsible for their demise, when all the while, I pleaded with him to stay married. I never realized how deep the resentments went and how it would adversely affect my life.

You see, he had confided in me that one of the reasons why he could not stay married was because he was getting a lot of pressure from his in-laws. He also told me although his father-in-law had worked for law enforcement that he did a bit of moonlighting as a go between for drug dealers.

You might be asking, “How does this affect your life?” Well, the girl that he married was also acquainted with my number one nemesis. So when she thought I was instrumental in breaking up her marriage, they joined forces to make my life a nightmare for payback.

Since her marriage ended, together, they were going to make sure to put the kibosh on any relationship I encountered. You see the drug affiliations did not stop there. Remember I wrote you a story about my girlfriend who sneakily slept with a childhood friend, young enough to be one of our siblings?

Well, they all joined forces, trying to make me look like the misanthrope of the bunch. They have somehow managed to assassinate my character, gain leverage and power through their illicit drug dealings, and one person in particular has sought retribution through her unsavory connections.

As I have said before, I have never taken anyone’s husband or knowingly engaged in any romantic relationship with a married man. Other women have made attempts to steal my men, but it is not my modus operandi to play with other people’s used things.

It has taken me a long time to put the pieces of the puzzle together, but I know that when people are hell bent on making you the cause of their unhappiness, they will not stop until they feel they have attained an invigorating level of satisfaction.

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