
There comes a time in everyone’s life when we feel exasperated, and drained and we just need to step outside of our world for a brief period to rejuvenate. In my late twenties I experienced a period of complete physical and mental exhaustion. It was a time when I was going through relationship drama, daily … More Moratorium

Ungrateful Totties

aunts all talk about their nieces and nephews as if they are worthy of being lauded. The truth be told they are ungrateful, wretched, selfish and filled with kerfuffle. They will all try to make me look as if I am the family rogue, constantly defaming our family crest. But, they are takers. They are … More Ungrateful Totties


New York is filled with obnoxious and rambunctious individuals in just about every economic circle in life. Oftentimes interactions with these people make life experiences quite grotty. One can go fromĀ  having a fairly decent day to having a grebby day because of characters who are unable to be considerate, well adjusted, human beings. They … More Roister-Doisters

Pushing Up Daisies

Milestones have a way of creeping up on us. One minute we are playing in our sandboxes and the next, we are racking up the years. Suddenly, we wonder where did the time go? Hells Bells! I am experiencing another milestone and kicking up the fabulous meter a notch! However, I still can’t fathom how … More Pushing Up Daisies


My family talks about loyalty and connectivity, but they are the first one’s who will throw you over the rail for a non-family member if they think they can profit by some affiliation. There are certain members of my family that dislike me because of my paternal ancestry and lineage. Most of the time when … More Treason


Self Confidence is an attractive trait in anyone. However, even the most self-confident persons suffer from bouts of insecurity from time to time. Insecurity is an emotion which creeps up on us at unawares, and often we are not quite sure where it comes from or why it is present. Insecurity is possessing self doubt … More Insecurity

Poisoned Apples

In this world we can only be sure of two things, and they are; that God loves us and that most people are not who they appear to be. Let me explain. Although we are not able to see God on a daily basis, our higher selves believe there is a supernatural power sustaining us. … More Poisoned Apples

Twining On…..

Writing can be very cathartic. I believe it is the reason why some people choose to write their memoirs or autobiographies because it gives them insight and clarity to their lives and experiences. At times when we write about our memories and emotional upheavals we begin to realize that we are survivors and we can … More Twining On…..