Drugs Everywhere!

In my posts I have explained to you that my adoptive parents have zero tolerance for drugs or drug users. During my early years I was subjected to stringent inspections and scared straight scenarios just to make sure I stayed on the straight and narrow path. However, once my parents began their charitable endeavors, helping … More Drugs Everywhere!

My Make Believe Daughter’s Billion Dollar Poom-Poom

As a woman of this world I become incensed about some of the indecency at times. Most recently, I became quite fired up about songs made about womens’ private bits or nethers. In my estimation this common practice is very declasse’. A lot of these young girls may think guys rapping about them or their … More My Make Believe Daughter’s Billion Dollar Poom-Poom

The Demanders

To some people, “The Demanders” may represent a singing group. To me, they are my family. They are the ones who will talk about my lack of sweetness. They always want me to drop everything I am doing to tend to their drama. However, when I am in the throes of my own turmoil, I … More The Demanders

Hop On PT

For many years of my career I was an avid traveler via the Long Island Railroad, MTA and buses. However, the story behind my commuting was more than a nightmare, simply because I was going against my natural self. It was because I felt compelled by family pressure to get where I was going. The … More Hop On PT

A Second Look

The dating life of men and women are riddled with times when we think about  friends from our past who we seem to have experienced a connection with, yet nothing ever really came of the attraction. Over a lifetime, we mull over the chance meetings and wonder what would have happened if……? At times we romanticize … More A Second Look