A Second Look

The dating life of men and women are riddled with times when we think about  friends from our past who we seem to have experienced a connection with, yet nothing ever really came of the attraction. Over a lifetime, we mull over the chance meetings and wonder what would have happened if……?

At times we romanticize the people we think about, making them seem as if they were the ones that got away. Yet, if we give in to our impulses and decide to pursue a relationship, oftentimes we are disappointed and end up living in regret. I happen to believe there is some truth to the phrase, “Let sleeping dogs lie”.

Whenever we cross paths with someone that piques our fancy, it does not necessarily mean that a relationship has to evolve. Sometimes it could be the evolution of a past life experience. Perhaps the person was a sister, brother, acquaintance in another life and we crossed paths with him or her to work out whatever residual issues that lurked from the former life.

There are times the compelling feelings may be misconstrued as deep like or even love, but in actuality they are just sentimental feelings from another place in time. Some of us may go against the grain and pursue serious relationships because of the magnetic pull that is felt. However, the relationships rarely culminate into anything substantial and always fall short of our preconceived notions and grand expectations.

As human beings, we oftentimes have to learn to accept that chance meetings which generate sparks are just the universe’s mischievous way of affirming that each one of us have traveled this world in many lifetimes. It also confirms that when our loved ones die they are never really gone because they re-incarnate as someone else.

If we are lucky, we may see them again in another life, sometimes briefly or they may become a permanent fixture because there are past issues that need to be resolved. Usually once the matter which loomed gets clarified, they usually flitter away as magically as they appeared……

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