Exodus Out Of Florida


When I made my decision to leave Florida it was a gut wrenching experience but a necessary one, because I felt like the last mafia princess they were trying to Hit. Therefore the days preceding my quick departure was nothing less than a covert operation.

I swore everyone to secrecy, and my movers had to agree to non-disclosure of my destination. Some people felt I was being overly paranoid, however I came across a few individuals who knew my struggles were real, and they moved heaven and earth to help me to facilitate a safe move.

I knew that I could not return to New York the same way I had arrived. The charlatans who were seeking to cause me harm knew something was happening, but they were not quite sure. Since I was alone, I knew I had to plot and plan every step carefully because the wrong set of arrangements could leave me at the mercy of vagabonds and scavengers.

The days before my departure I prayed incessantly because I was embarking on a mission that seemed potentially dangerous. I was so careful, that I did not give my parents my travel plans till the absolute last minute just in case there were any bugs around.

The plan was to drive from Tampa. I could not fly because my pet birds would surely not withstand the high altitudes of the aircraft carrier. So while I sent on my furnishings via freight, I packed my car with my personal luggage and my pets and set off for the I-4. My final destination was going to be Sanford where I would catch the Amtrak train to Lorton, VA.

I should have been completely freaked out because I had only traveled to Orlando once before to visit relatives and I was not quite sure where Sanford was. I had seen it as an exit off the highway and somehow felt I could find my way there again.

The funny thing was, this time I had time restraints. For me, it was a huge gamble because my other road trips had culminated in several hours of ring around the rosey, with me merely making my social engagements on time.

Like commercial airlines, Amtrak always left on time. So I did not have the luxury of making a wrong turn or misreading road signs. But, as usual, God was good. He directed me all along the way and I made it to Sanford with minutes to spare.

I secured my vehicle on the train, and then made sure my pets and I had comfortable accommodations in one of the private cars. I must admit the whole situation had been nerve racking. Judging by the expressions of the staff at Amtrak I felt they too, had been alerted regarding my exodus out of Florida.

I was the last passenger to board the train. Once I had boarded the train, I felt a sigh of relief. However, that was short lived. It was my understanding that the train would have traveled all night to get me to Lorton. However in the midst of our journey, the train stopped.

I began inquiring with the engineer and conductor and I was told they were going to cease traveling for the night and resume at daybreak. I started having a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Instinctively, I knew something was wrong. I was unable to call home because I could not get a signal on my cellular phone.

The only thing I could do at that point was pray and talk to my pets. It is strange how animals can have a calming effect in any circumstance. As I inspected the entire train to see where the cars had stopped, I realized that God had been looking out for me. Although the train had aborted the journey near one of its tunnels, my car was not in the tunnel and for that I was grateful, since I was claustrophobic.

Needless to say, I held a vigil all night until the train began moving again. You may think it strange that I am talking about an event which happened quite a few years ago. But, recently while meditating, I finally received the answer why the train stopped abruptly. Apparently, Amtrak got a tip that the train was going to be held up at some point.

So, in order to be safe, and protect their passengers, they had to travel covertly throughout certain regions of the Southern countryside. In order to elude the vermits, they realized it would be best to let them think that the train had aborted its mission.

Oddly enough, my travels went way beyond the estimated travel itinerary time, however, I was glad to have made it safely to Lorton. From there, I felt certain I could make the drive to Long Island . Afterall, I felt I was now on my turf, and if they brought the battle there, I had friends and some family who would have my back.

At times when we pray, we think God does not hear us or he is not around. But, I can tell you from my own experiences, that he has taken me through the valley of the shadows of death, even when I was clueless Clara. If it were not for God and a few good people, I may not be writing this post.

So although this thank you may be many years late. I would like to thank the staff of Amtrak for taking care of me and making sure I got home safely.

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