Death By Noxious Fumes: The Silent Hit


How well do we know the people around us? Are they concerned about our health, or are they selfish, thinking, “Live and let live”. Meaning, they can do as they please without regard for anyone else.

Some of us exist in environments where folks light up cigarettes as if there is no tomorrow without any regards of the effects of second hand smoke. While others are in the midst of drug manufacturing and don’t even know it until they are overcome by noxious fumes.

Then, there are those in society who may rub others the wrong way and their critics decide they are going to do a bit of population control through chemical poisoning. These are the clever folks actually, because they have devised ways in which they can give anyone a one way ticket to paradise without raising an eyebrow.

One could even say they are CU-TE. Two cute for their own good. I am being sarcastic when I use the terminology CU-TE. I am actually talking about the misuse of chemical compounds such as Copper (CU) and Tellerium (TE).

In my life I have purposely and inadvertently ruffled a lot of feathers, therefore members of the establishment seek to put me down quietly. Tellerium may be cleverly used as a compound which when heated emits harmful odors. At first, one may think a person is a bit heavy handed on the garlic while cooking…..However, after a period of time, any hyper sensitive individual may begin to experience severe symptoms due to this underhanded practice.

Once an innocent person inhales the pungent fumes emitted from Tellurium he/she begins to experience the corrosion of the esophagus from caustic ingestion. Other symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth, vomiting, loss of consciousness and apnea.

This is their first choice of defense in order to eradicate anything or anyone who goes against the grain or stands in their way. Their second line of overcoming opposers would be, copper poisoning, whether it is through water tampering or other environmental measures, such as food. Victims begin to experience seriously elevated high blood pressure, anemia, convulsions, diarrhea, and the inability to urinate or defecate.

The usage of chemical compounds such as copper and tellurium, are destined to cause nutritional deficiencies (e.g.) alpha carotene deficiencies, folic acid deficiencies and iodine deficiencies. In other words the perpetrators motto becomes when in doubt CUT-E it out.

you might be wondering why I am going into a chemistry class at this point in time. The simple fact is, I could not understand why I was being besieged with mysterious illnesses such as chronic nausea, diarrhea and dizzy spells, until I started paying strict attention to my surroundings and environments.

Almost every time I fell prey to a bout of illness I had either drank water straight from the tap instead of boiling it like I usually do. The second correlation with feelings of malaise occurred when I began noticing overwhelming scents of chemicals.

Each time there was a pungent chemical fest my allergies raged beyond control and stomach issues ensued.

At this point, you may be saying to yourself that I am paranoid….Why would anyone go through so much trouble to cause me harm or discomfort. The answer is simple, they want to break down my will power, through causing me neurological problems and weakening my immune system, rendering me helpless.

It is a known scientific fact that too much copper has the capability of causing schizophrenia. So this is all part of my enemies plot to have me either “off my rockers” or my body so emaciated and weak, that they can have their way with me.

All their efforts are about complete control and power. As far as I am concerned, murder is still murder, whether or not it is revealed or concealed. As clever as these vagabonds may be, they can rest assure there are going to be a battery of great scientific minds just waiting to uncover their diabolic plots. So, it is accurate to say, if successful with their poisoning methods, their victory will be short lived.

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