That’s Entertainment????


After being on a hiatus for quite some time from the entertainment industry, returning proved to be a startling experience. The industry had changed immensely, and not for the better.

It seemed that most productions aren’t filmed in the tri-state area and the pay scale is immensely meager. Oftentimes, actors/models/performers are not paid in the form of currency, and at times, are expected to work for free.

It is understandable that when one is starting off, one must pay his/her dues. But, there is also the pesky matter of living and surviving as a human being. So while many entertainers may gain prestige through their work, the financial rewards seem minimal.

A few aspects which have evolved for the better are; agents are seeking to cast more “real” looking people in their productions. Age is not the barrier it once was. Actors, models and performers are finding career longevity way past their previous expiration dates.

One afternoon, while contemplating the grueling business of entertainment, I realized careers in the arts have become a hustle. This is due to decision makers alienating themselves from up and coming talent. New talent have been forced to resort to mediums like the internet or other technologically savvy means to be heard and lauded for their artistic skills.

This is why talent shows have become all the rage, and contestants are willing to put themselves through multiple rejections in order to be discovered. The normal chain of artist discovery and development no longer exists. Why is that?

Could it be that execs are comfortable with the benefits they derived from past entertainers, or they believe there aren’t any viable talented individuals worth developing?

As we all know, America and the rest of the world has got talent? So what’s the problem? Tough economic times and a few bad people taking over controlling interest in certain fields. The game is either played by their rules or not at all.

There are some entertainers who choose to dabble in their brand of BS and there are other who say NEIT!

As I pondered these events my imagination began working overtime. It was then, “Jackie Longbrow” was born. The enforcer of the entertainment industry. The mafia casting agent, who is like no other. If someone is being stone walled for a part, her crew pays them a visit, roughly encouraging, “Whatever Lola/Max wants they get….!

People seek her out to even the playing field…Her motto, “No pay…No problem” requires shaking down studios, production companies and agents to be honorable even if it requires help from her muscle.

The thing is, no one knows who Jackie Longbrow really is, she could be male, female or a figment of her clients’ imaginations……

Sounds like a good idea for an adventure film. Even better, if it were really so in real life. It would certainly spare a lot of curry favoring and red tape in the entertainment industry.

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