The Demanders


To some people, “The Demanders” may represent a singing group. To me, they are my family. They are the ones who will talk about my lack of sweetness. They always want me to drop everything I am doing to tend to their drama.

However, when I am in the throes of my own turmoil, I have to deal with them being glued to their phones; or finding a television program more enchanting than I am. Or, my personal favorite, when they suddenly become in tune with every miniscule happening around them.

In my family, if you are not constantly making yourself “nuff” or running after them, you very rarely get anywhere with them. In their world, you only rate when you stomp on your self respect and “dog yourself out”.

At that point, you begin to feel as if you are in a scene from Alice in Wonderland running around trying to be heard and acknowledged. In some circles folks would call it an inherent lack of common decency and courtesy.

My family expects me to be sweet, loving, adoring and accommodating when they don’t even think twice to give me those things in return. I have lived through cycles of drama and indifference on a continual basis where for me, sadly, it has become the norm.

In life I have learned you cannot demand love from someone unless you are willing to give pure love. Oftentimes, I feel my family expect emotions from me they never gave me as a child. Therefore, in my adult years, there is a void which seems irreconcilable.

For the most part, it may be a void necessary for self preservation. Nevertheless, it is an unfortunate reality that people can share the same DNA and family ties, but are purposefully clueless about each other.

In my estimation, that is the ultimate form of sorrow.

Nuff- Means plentiful or frequent

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