My Make Believe Daughter’s Billion Dollar Poom-Poom

Chauffeur Driven Cars

As a woman of this world I become incensed about some of the indecency at times. Most recently, I became quite fired up about songs made about womens’ private bits or nethers. In my estimation this common practice is very declasse’.

A lot of these young girls may think guys rapping about them or their sexual exploits is an homage to them. But, trust me, it only wreaks of their low brow attitude and disrespect for the sanctity of womanhood.

Quite candidly, if someone rapped about my make believe daughter’s billion dollar pod I would be inclined to do a “Lorena Bobbit” on his two dollar “dictatorship”.

What is this world coming to…? Tsk…Tsk…Tsk.

Well if that musical episode did not bungle my knickers enough…I began perusing some videos. I happened on one which debuted the “Model’s Lounge”. Some naive, unsuspecting young women may become captivated by their luxurious advertisements and promises of relaxation; but for me, it spells Pimpdom.

For anyone who is not familiar, the Model’s Lounge promises young, up and coming models a respite to unwind in between bookings and appointments. They are given the red carpet treatment and driven around town in high end luxury vehicles.

Here is the hiccup I see in this whole decadent affair. First of all, why do the models have to lounge in the middle of the day? They should be on task at all times. If they happen to have intervals in between appointments, most of them live in the city anyway. Why not go home and recharge for a while and then get back on the “campaign” trail?

It is my estimation that no one rolls out luxury for nothing. Especially when it comes to womanhood and the “gifts” they have to offer. Most top agencies usually provide their models with transportation to and from assignments….So why is it necessary for these girls to get squired about town in super expensive vehicles with strange men…..?

It just seems like a breeding ground for a whole lot of shenanigans. Here is a bit of food for thought: While the models are busy lounging and schmoozing, what would happen if someone slipped a ‘mickey’ in a young model’s drink and crated her out a back entrance and she was never heard from again…..?

You may think it is my hyper active imagination….But in the grand scheme of things it could happen. To all the young, naive, up and coming starlets, I have one thing to say, “All that glitters is not gold!”

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