It All Boils Down To “Relationship”

In life folks try to justify their bad behavior patterns by making paltry excuses. One of the most common reasons I have heard why others have been able to overstep their bounds and take a prominent role in my parents’ life is due to the fact that they have a better relationship with my parents … More It All Boils Down To “Relationship”

The Hiring Process Is Malarkey!

The elitists would like everyone to believe they are diligently following fair business practices when hiring, by dotting all the “I’s” and crossing all the “T’s” but that is hogwash! They are no longer following corporate paradigms. Instead they are more likely to practice curry favoring, homeland security guidelines and profiling. You may ask yourself … More The Hiring Process Is Malarkey!

Look Mousy…..

American Naturopath Foreign Naturopath American Foreign Where is it written that if a woman is smart, intelligent or accomplished, she has to look mousy to fit the part? From the time I was old enough to go to kindergarten I was an A++ student. As I got older, it escalated to honors and regents level. … More Look Mousy…..

Uproar In Hollywood

Hollywood is the mecca of stars and illusions, however, these past few years there seems to be a lot of upheavals going on in Tinsel Town. Recently there was a dropping of the axe on approximately 92 shows. I must admit some of the shows were superficial entertainment and only held appeal for one or … More Uproar In Hollywood

The Unimaginable

Most individuals get married because they have searched high and low for the one that truly compliments their lives in wonderful and unexpected ways. When the decision is made to take on marriage, many do it with the expectation it will last forever. Nowadays, more marriages are ending up in divorce court after a few … More The Unimaginable