The Unimaginable


Most individuals get married because they have searched high and low for the one that truly compliments their lives in wonderful and unexpected ways. When the decision is made to take on marriage, many do it with the expectation it will last forever.

Nowadays, more marriages are ending up in divorce court after a few months or a couple of years. Despite the growing number of break-ups and dissolution of marriages, people are still taking chances with their hearts. Although we often hear of the decline of marriages because it makes for good fodder or sensationalism, there are a vast number of marriages that withstand the tests of time.

Then, there are the partnerships that get halted abruptly due to illness or death. This is when the unimaginable happens. Every married couple takes the oath for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, but the truth is; no one really believes it will happen to them.

It is sort of like rehearsing nursery rhymes, but we never think in a million years any of the rhymes would actually manifest into reality. What does a partner, whether man or woman do, when the love of their life slowly or violently creeps off into the good night?

I really can’t speak for anyone else, but I can surely speak for myself. I know in my world it would take a very long time to process. I would probably pretend that the situation is not happening and perform automatically as usual.

One day it would would probably dawn on me the effects of what truly tranpired and then I would have a mega meltdown. When it comes to emotions, I am a slow healer. This is why I could never understand women or men, marrying a few years after a partner dies.

It would take me that much time to get back into my normal routine. Then, I would have to adjust to being ONE again. I believe when folks find that person who melds with their personality and character, or even loves the way they do, that individual becomes irreplaceable.

They say time heals all wounds, but, I know that lightning rarely strikes twice the same way. I would much prefer to have the memories of one good thing, than to cloud it with botched attempts and a plethora of drama.

It is true, that no one wants to grow old alone, but the truth be told, if a woman or man is self reliant, he/she really just needs a good companion to squire him/her about town when necessary. It only becomes necessary because society dictates that a woman gets better treatment when she is coupled with someone…..

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