Uproar In Hollywood


Hollywood is the mecca of stars and illusions, however, these past few years there seems to be a lot of upheavals going on in Tinsel Town. Recently there was a dropping of the axe on approximately 92 shows. I must admit some of the shows were superficial entertainment and only held appeal for one or two episodes.

I believe the reason why some of these shows may seem disposable is because there are tons of new faces cropping up on a daily basis in Hollywood. What has happened to the actors of the 80’s, 90’s and early millenium? It seems to me they had longevity and were able to retain loyal fans.

The audience of today has grown fickle, persnickety and very shallow. Therefore, if actors or actresses are not baring their nethers or telling raunchy jokes their 15 minutes of fame ends rather quickly. Acting in Hollywood has become the ultimate hustle; in the way that, if they do not please the crowd their careers are on the chopping block.

The smart actresses, tend to view Hollywood as Corporate America. They get trained by notable acting coaches, get a few good acting gigs and then try to connect with major players in the industry. If they are lucky, they drag them to the altar and then have a few children to seal the deal.

At that point, acting is no longer their focal point. They are happy to settle into their role as trophy wives living the Beverly Hills dream. Hence, the revolving door of actors on a continual basis.

The legacy of Old Hollywood glamour and continuity are slowly dying. Although movies are being created faster than the speed of lightning and young starlets or actors are flocking to the Land of Dreams, many can only expect a short reign, because the competition is fierce and their fans are very fickle.

In the old days actors studied and worked tirelessly to hone their craft. Today, it seems like just about anyone can attain stardom in a short amount of time. Whether or not he or she will have staying power is a mystery no one can truly determine…….

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