Look Mousy…..


American Naturopath


Foreign Naturopath





Where is it written that if a woman is smart, intelligent or accomplished, she has to look mousy to fit the part? From the time I was old enough to go to kindergarten I was an A++ student. As I got older, it escalated to honors and regents level.

However, there was always a side of me that loved being girly and glamorous as well. All throughout my life I have been plagued with ignoring one part of me for another. At times culminating into an almost split personality. I would like to know why is it necessary for women of other cultures to look mousy in order to be taken seriously?

Foreign Women who are attractive, fashionable and intelligent are challenged by other women not wanting to deal with them because they feel intimidated or threatened.

White American woman go around with their hair sashaying in the wind, exposed body parts, as lawyers, doctors and other professions. But, as soon as a professional foreigner or minority does it, she is a HO, Harlot and Tawdry looking individual. Her critics find it hard to validate her intelligence or credentials, simply because she is alluring or appealing.

A glamorous, professional woman is oftentimes reduced to being “Too Hot” for her own good. One would think she is single handedly devouring the male species in plain sight.

Most White American women would much prefer, or feel less threatened if foreign women and minorities went around looking like lunch ladies; wearing tight buns and thick rimmed glasses to appease their fragile egos.

All I have to say is, “Relax Vanilla Wafers!” No one wants to take your men! If your men do find their way to a foreigner or minority, it is because of your repressive thought patterns and misplaced ideals!

A woman who is smart and accomplished, sometimes wants to feel feminine. She does not necessarily want to be cloaked in heavy materials all the time or chop her hair off to appease the masses. There are times when she may want to wear a nice, silky, feminine dress and not be judged as being a whore du jour.

It is my belief that some caucasian American women of today are insecure and lack confidence. I am so sick and tired of other people judging me because of how I present myself. When I wear pantsuits all the time, I am called a butch, uninteresting and too conservative. When I dress in a feminine way, I am perceived as being on the prowl, trashy and after their male gentry.

I realize that most women feel the men they catch will be a big loss to them if they left; because they have limited thinking that they cannot “bag” another. For me, that has never been an issue. My life was never based on snagging a man and rushing to the altar, or looking to reproduce so that I could lock down a suburban lifestyle.

I understand everyone’s got to do what they feel they have to in order to survive, But don’t try to dull my sparkle because it is shining too brightly for you. We all choose our lot in life, and then have to deal with it…..

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