The Hiring Process Is Malarkey!


The elitists would like everyone to believe they are diligently following fair business practices when hiring, by dotting all the “I’s” and crossing all the “T’s” but that is hogwash!

They are no longer following corporate paradigms. Instead they are more likely to practice curry favoring, homeland security guidelines and profiling. You may ask yourself how I have come to this conclusion.

Well, let’s just say, I have been on both sides of the corporate ladder and I can honestly say racism, sexism, capitalism and any other isms you can think of, are in full effect when Corporate officers take on recruiting.

I have been privy to interactions where they pretty much insinuated they treated a particular group a certain way because they did not value them enough or thought they mattered. At times, it was intimated that if I wanted to remain in a high powered position and in good graces, I had to go along with their game plan.

This type of thinking caused me to question everything and everyone in certain corporations. Therefore, as I started meeting individuals within the company, I began to delve into the reasons why they would be hired. Here is what I found out. Most of the women were hired because they were willing to carry on relationships with married men within the company.

Some may call it a perk, others may say it is the express route up the corporate ladder if you are not concerned with integrity, morals and values. Mind you, some of these individuals are the same folks running background checks on others and judging them harshly, when they cannot even decipher between wrong and right when they choose to be home wreckers.

During most legitimate hiring processes and procedures it behooves the hiring party to make sure the candidates are able to spell, enunciate and have the aptitude to at least assimilate words and messages. I cannot tell you how many times I have been subjected to morons who basically expect me to formulate, spell and translate every word for them.

I am often baffled as to how they have been able to maintain their jobs. However, once I observe their modus operandi, I am able to determine that most have the gift of brown nosing, tattle-tailing, back stabbing and chicanery down to an art form. As  decent employees will know, these are the four most important traits which truly allow the despicable to succeed in business.

Over the years, the great recruiting teams have managed to fool poor, unsuspecting candidates with their personality tests in the name of finding the “right fit”. What they are actually looking for are partners in crime. They want their new employees to be adaptable to the soap opera “culture” that unfolds on a daily basis. Therefore, nice guys/gals need not apply.

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