Money Mek Frenship and Money Bruk Frenship

From the time I was old enough to comprehend life my Granny often told me, “Sweetheart, money mek frenship and money bruk frienship!” It never really resonated with me because I was too young to engage in financial dealings with people. However as time passed, and I matured, I realized if you wanted to have … More Money Mek Frenship and Money Bruk Frenship


During my childhood, I loved meeting new people. I thought they were fascinating. As a youngster I had the gift of making conversation about any subject. At times I was deemed loquacious. Anyway, as I became older, I soon learned that some people are not what they appear to be. Most will show you only … More People

Thin Skinned

Have you ever been in a conversation or debate with anyone and they automatically drop the “D” bomb on you? What is the “D” bomb you may ask? The “D” bomb is when you are having an intense conversation and the person you are conversing with suddenly says, “Oh, don’t get defensive!” In my earlier … More Thin Skinned

Shocking Revelation

A great philosopher once said, “People are hell”. I may have quoted this verse hundreds of times, yet each time human nature takes me to a weird place, it is usually my “go to” phrase. The word  “friends” is a very delicate word. I do not use that word in my vocabulary unless I truly … More Shocking Revelation