Loud, Hostile, Cruel Beeches!

Woman with strange white eyes screaming her lungs out
Woman with strange white eyes screaming her lungs out


When it comes to relationships, the old timers usually say, “It is better to stay with the devil you know as opposed to staying with the devil you don’t know.”

So many times both men and women get caught up in the fantasy of extramarital affairs or cheating on their significant others because they long for change or to have more excitement in their lives. The problem with that thinking is, at least the person we have grown accustomed to has a mode of conduct that is familiar. Wheras, when we throw caution to the wind abandoning one relationship for another, oftentimes we are disappointed; because the desired person falls way below our expectations or what we are accustomed to.

Everyone puts on their best behavior when they are trying to make a goal, even athletes. In love relationships, we tend to push ourselves beyond our limits just to get a stable “in”. Once there, we let our hair down and the true personalities surface. For some of us, our true colors may be more enticing and refreshing; while for others it may be grotesque and scary.

Relationships are cyclical and constantly go through changes. I once read in a relationship book, that most pairings bloom in the season they were founded. There may be some truth to the notion, because folks do feel more celebratory during the time of their anniversaries.

However, after long periods of being together most men and women tend to get bored. No one is to blame really…Life just happens and both people tend to drop the ball with keeping things “fresh” and “alive”.

The thing is, when we take a gamble on someone who glitters, we are never quite certain if they will turn out to be gold or aluminum foil….Lightweight and filled with no substance. It is a chance we take. The sad part is, once we have burned bridges, hurt feelings and dishonored our true matches, sometimes there is no going back.

We just have to own up to our mistakes and make sure we are never fooled again by sugar coated words, and absurd displays of adventure and frolic.

Unfortunately there are some of us who end up marrying the offsprings of Frankenstein. They oftentimes turn out to be loud, hostile and beechy. Plumetting our lives into the abyss. Some of us are able to extricate ourselves from the hellish quagmire they impose; while others, dwell in misery, doom and gloom, until death when they part.

Life is too short to get mislead by shallow, meaningless pursuits…..

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