Equality In God’s Name

I have never been one to get involved in debates regarding politics, religion and love. However, over the years there has been a growing misinterpretation of the bible and God’s views concerning homosexuality, lesbians and same sex marriages.

The looming questions prompted me to seek out  various religious books and the bible searching for verses denouncing alternative sexual preferences. The truth is, I did not find any dialogue of God condemning same sex relationships. You may be saying to yourself, this is odd because there are a large percentage of ministers and clergy who profess that being in unconventional relationships are an abomination to the Lord.

Sadly enough, it is their own translation of biblical verses. It may also speak more of them coming to terms with their discomfort regarding the subject of same sex unions. In the bible God’s theme is love. “Love your neighbor as yourself”, “Love is patient, love is kind, “Do all things with love…..”

His second most prominent theme was, living a clean, pure life. He urged his children not to give into the flesh or to worship idols. There was a time in the bible when the Egyptians became drunk with riches and decadent living, reminiscent of Caligula times. Even then, God did not cast his dispersions on the whole lot.

Instead he kept re-iterating the importance of being Godly, pure in heart and mind. Therefore, it is my opinion that if people conduct their lives in the name of love, refraining from lewd behavior and obeying the commandments then God views them as he would all his children.

The only folks who are not omitted from God’s wrath are those who sin purposely, participating in Sodom & Gomorrah antics constantly. Those are the people who will have to answer to him on the day of Judgment. Human Beings who value love, commitment and marriage are not the ones who should be under scrutiny. The adulterers, fornicators and haters are the ones who will experience his wrath because they sin over and over again without remorse or even believing in his word.

Therefore the only individuals who will experience weeping and gnashing of teeth are those who never repent or try to change their debaucherous way of living. Some of the wannabe puritans may think that eventhough they live by the “sword” inherently they are good people. The bible has different views on the subject. God’s philosophy is, “If you live by the sword, ye shall die by the sword”

Therefore, any act which is un-Godly or impure whether done with good intentions, can ultimately contribute to the demise of well meaning human beings.

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