All There Is To Life

  The majority of us wake up every day, to toil away incessantly at our careers or goals. The fuel behind our hard work and motivation is the promise we will eventually reach the promised land, fulfilling our dreams. But, what if, this is all there is? What if, our lives are just a series … More All There Is To Life

Jamaican Prejudice

There are subjects people refrain from talking about, especially Caribbean folks. Although individuals from the islands and Jamaica boast a very welcoming spirit and demeanor, there are those “Jamaicans” who make me EMBARRASSED to be affiliated with the Caribbean. As a child, or teenager I harbored such patriotic pride, embracing my Jamaican heritage. As I … More Jamaican Prejudice

Oscar Hell

Wait for it…..Wait for it….Heck! As hard as I tried to sit out this debate my two cents kept jingling in my pockets. So here it is. People of color are calling for a boycott because Hollywood refuses to practice diversity. My stance is, Americans on a whole are steeped in tradition and love classic … More Oscar Hell

Scorpion Studies 101

  Recently it has been brought to my attention that all the drama I have experienced is on account of my family and other strangers “studying” me. Why? Because people do not feel comfortable unless they can figure out others. Therefore, like a lab animal, I have been “dissected” over and over again. The fact … More Scorpion Studies 101


On the surface my relatives appear to be syrupy sweet, but beneath the  theatrics lies horrifying, beast like behaviors. Their biggest flaws are, they do not have the ability to accept their short comings. However, they are so quick to point out other’s imperfections. Most of the times they want to tell me how I … More Antagonizers