

On the surface my relatives appear to be syrupy sweet, but beneath the  theatrics lies horrifying, beast like behaviors.

Their biggest flaws are, they do not have the ability to accept their short comings. However, they are so quick to point out other’s imperfections.

Most of the times they want to tell me how I should think, live my life, feel and react. While they keep doing the same old, degenerate things, they normally do. In their world they can do no wrong. They want everyone to change, except them.

They do not realize or acknowledge they are imperfectly flawed. The battles and disagreements we have often encountered is always about their feelings, their possessions, and their hate.

Their reactions to me, implies that I have never accomplished anything and I am just the cadger of society. There is no respect or proper decorum. They relish and enjoy calling me out in their brawling ways as opposed to discussing matters in an intelligent and loving atmosphere.

Their antagonistic stance at times, is enough to make one feel like plunging into the ocean just to drown out the throngs of negativity.

For a long while they almost convinced me that I was just a worthless, screw up. Then, I met folks who were somehow mistreated or shafted by them. Their accounts were similar to mine in the sense of…Connecting for great periods of time, then experiencing a period of wrath, disenchantment, antagonistic discord and disagreeability.

It is okay to have a scuttle with one or two people in life. But, when you start leaving a trail of embittered individuals, then one must pause.

My family believes when folks enter their space they have the right to wail on them or ill treat them any way they see fit. Because none of my other relatives have the gaul to stand up to the antagonizers. They just keep on leaving a trail of carnage and emotionally emaciated people without any remorse or conscience.

To me, and a great deal of principled individuals, these actions are wrong and immoral.

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