Entrepreneur By Necessity



My story is not unlike millions of Americans who live in this country in the sense, that I became more of an entrepreneur because of the floundering economy.

After I was forced out of my Administrator’s job due to malfeasance on the part of the soccer moms of Suburbia, because they did not like me, and felt I was going to abscond with their husbands.

They banded together to destroy my vehicle and created several suspicious events where I was eventually faded out.

After sending out 21,840 resumes and barely getting any responses I decided to cultivate a new career track becoming a Certified Traditional Naturopath. I also became more committed to my writing skills and decided to parlay my talents into writing natural health articles.

In my world, resorting to drug trafficking, hanging off the stripper pole,  stealing or peddling flesh all over the internet did not seem to be a good game plan. Most of us “Entreps”  at times, feel behind the eight ball because we view our peers as getting ahead at warped speeds. We are usually not privy to their clandestine and covert operations which make them appear more successful.

Our critics may give us a hard time for progressing as turtles do, but we must remember “Slow and steady wins the race.” Just focus on the story of the tortoise and the hare.

Even while pursuing my entrepreneurial endeavors I still continue to keep hope alive regarding a good paying career opportunity. Simply because my fundraising efforts to establish my practice has not been taking off as I thought they would.

Normally, most people seek seed money from their friends and families, however, in my situation, my family was often speaking negativity over my life.  I just grew weary of even telling them about my dreams and goals.

They would much rather tell me the one million ways why I will not be successful instead of making the decision to support me and see me through until I obtained fruition of my plans.

Therefore, for me, the quest of obtaining a regular job despite my accomplishments became more important; because it would help to finance my dreams a bit faster. Despite all my irons in the fire, I am met with rhetoric and sarcasm by my family.

For some reason they have this notion that when one pursues entrepreneurial endeavors that manna automatically falls from Heaven .  They somehow feel that in the twinkle of an eye, you should be making what you may have earned working for someone else.

So while I am busting my hump, they continue to make me feel hopeless and useless because I am not dripping in status symbols and rolling in the dough. At times they are so convincing with their negativity that they have me disbelieving in myself.

They give me no credit for my ability to do my “due diligence” regarding anything. They believe I just get up in the mornings and decide on impossible and unattainable goals without any research or data to back it up.

Over the years, I have spoken to experts in my field and they have all said the same thing. It took them many years to see profits from their entrepreneurial pursuits. One colleague I spoke to in particular, told me it took her almost ten years to create her empire and at first, she was failing miserably.

However, she kept up her hustle. Remaining consistent and persistent at what she was trying to do. Today, her company is worth a few million dollars.

The pundits usually advise when embarking on new career goals to keep your circle positive because negative Nellies can sink ships faster than  icebergs.

It has gotten to the point in my life where I would much rather refrain from sharing my pursuits with my family. They react as children do, expecting pennies to fall from heaven on cue. When plans do not unfold rapidly, they begin exclaiming, “Pipe dreams, waste of time!” And anything else derogatory that flitters in their minds.

From the time I was a teenager I had the presence of mind to want to create my own niche in life. Unfortunately, I was not surrounded by folks who were committed to me succeeding or cheering me on.

Today, the workforce is such a landmine of shenanigans that most people are becoming courageous enough to create their own opportunities. Many people who criticize entrepreneurs unfairly do not realize, it takes bravado to go out on a limb  when everyone else believes you are completely hatstand.

There are days when it would be much easier to throw in the towel and work a regular nine to five. In today’s society Entrepreneuralism is becoming a necessity not a frivolous whim. It has become the way in which people are keeping their dreams alive and surviving.

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