God Knows Our Enemies Well


This life we live on a daily basis is not an easy one. It is filled with happiness, joy, sorrow and adversity. Some of us get more than our share of the bitter side of life.

Many times when we face challenges in this world, there are either obstacles or enemies in our path which we need to either overcome or overthrow.

There are times when we face defeat and react as little children do because we believe no one in our circle understands the challenges we are dealing with. For the most part, some people are insensitive to human suffering.

However, God sees and knows all. He understands the mind games and dirty tactics others use to get our adrenaline revved up. God understands when the world functions under biased rouses making the playing field unfair and disproportioned.

For some of us relief comes rapidly, for others, they seem to become entrenched in a cycle synonymous to “Les Meserable,” where their suffering seems never ending. During these times, many of us beat ourselves up, we kvetch, cry, scream and pray.

We do whatever is necessary for us to get through the pain, disappointments and hurts that seem to keep plaguing us as a result of having powerful enemies or relentless critics.

My message today is, “God knows our enemies well.”

God can call our enemies by name. So, when we are hurt or feel as if life is being unfair, reacting as children do, exclaiming, “Little Timmie did so and so and got away with it.”

Think again. Little Timmie never gets away with anything.

In the book of Psalms, God promises us that he will deliver us from ALL of  them that persecute us. He affirms, he will consider and meditate on our woes, delivering us from our enemies, lifting us up from the gates of death.

God knows that our enemies and wicked nemesis go around boasting and gloating regarding the dastardly deeds they have committed against us. But in Psalms, he fervently assures us he knows who they are, and that he knows them well.

In Psalms 10, God affirms, “The wicked are always grievous, judgmental and haughty.” In other words, they are puffed up with their own self righteousness and indignations.

They are the type of people who look down on others just because they are flying high. In their hearts they believe they will never encounter hardships or adversity because they are invincible in their minds.

God also informs us that our enemies will come to us humbly; pretending to be on our side when they are not. But their tactics are only to ensnare us. Our enemies do these deceitful pranks because they believe no one cares and God is not watching. But, he is taking names and numbers.

In the scriptures, God assures us he will seek them out and find them out. Meaning, he will call them on their “phoney baloney” and hold them accountable. He will let them know, he is King and that the under dogs shall be oppressed no more!

God is an effective and avenging God. He further confirms, whosoever hurts us because of shallow reasons; he will rain snares, fire and brimstone and storms upon their lives, because he values the upright and sincere.

Therefore, all the people in our lives who are pretentious or operate with a double heart and double talk, God will deliver us from them safely. In other words, he will expose all their evil deeds and agendas, vindicating us from their imposed stagnation of our lives as a result of their negative talk.

Growing up, no one ever tells us about the difficulties of life and the insincerity of people. Everyone including our families lead us to believe, life is a bed of roses if we just follow directions. As we all know, that is rarely the scenario for most people.

Life is beautiful. Yet, it is wrought with adversity and challenges. Many of us survive because we climb over the obstacles and slay the monsters in our path. None of us get through this life without battling the demons which plague us.

The arduous part is when we fight our enemies alone. This is why prayer is so important. We call on God to send us “muscle” to alleviate our suffering. We hold him to his promise that whatever we are going through, he will remove the oppression and deliver us in one piece.

What the devils meant for our demise, will be turned around for our good. Believe me when I tell you, God knows our enemies well, and he calls them by their names.

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