The Quest for Perfection


Most people want to be perfect, especially women. For many women, it is their ultimate goal to look perfectly coiffed and polished everyday. In my life, it is my constant mission and quest.

There are some days when I start off with everything looking on point, and then after about 15 minutes into my day, I feel as if I were Sheena, the warrior princess. Between other people’s surly behavior, tricks and games being played by some of the businesses I deal with, let’ s just say, within an hour, I usually feel as if I were indulging in a game of mortal combat.

When you have to follow up every little slight or indiscretion, because you know that if you do not, it has the potential to escalate into a big fat annoying sore, it wreaks havoc on your polished existence.

Whisps of hair become undone. Your make-up may not seem as fresh because you are experiencing every emotion under the sun, but in hindsight that is exactly what Satan’s disciples want.

They hate when you are well put together without a crinkle or wrinkle, so the little demons have to warp into charade mode so you will appear disheveled after their evil games.

Life is so much nicer when you can start your day off by breathing normally. When you know that every step you have planned will play out the way you expect it to, instead of babysitting others to do their job effectively, you feel in control and confident.

There are days when I just get tired of breathing in shallow intervals because others do not keep their end of the bargain. This stance usually results in me channeling Attila The Hun.

In my book, everyone is entitled to a nice, smooth, enjoyable life. One in which, he/she can show up feeling non-harried, and well put together. Each and everyday, I strive for this perfection in my life. It eludes me sometimes because I am busy slaying dragons every step along the way.



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