Lovely and Wonderful

  My family has the knack to make me look like as if I am a drama queen for no reason at all. Why you may ask? Because, to some of my friends and outsiders my house always seemed like Disney World. First of all there was candy strategically hidden in the cupboards for whomever … More Lovely and Wonderful

Health Insurance Scam

In every evolved country in the World Health Organization, there is some civilized means of health insurance implemented. In America, most citizens have been taken under siege by being forced to have mandatory health insurance without proper provisions in place. The quality of treatment which is being offered is inferior or non-existent. Nevertheless decent citizens … More Health Insurance Scam


As one ages, he/she becomes aware of certain life secrets which are taboo. No one speaks about things of a spiritual nature quite easily. I am specifically referring to voodoo, santeria, root work, obeah and black/white magic. In the Caribbean culture, growing up you hear stories but you give very little credence to their authenticity … More VOODOOMANIA

Hypocrisy Turned Up

Families are supposed to be filled with warmth and love. There shouldn’t be any hidden agendas or prerequisites in order for your family to love you unconditionally. In the course of my life, I was blessed with two aunts on my biological mother’s side of the family. They have served as the voices of reason … More Hypocrisy Turned Up

Whatever I Want

Most of my young adult life I was plagued with innuendos that I was a spoiled brat who got whatever she wanted. Back then, it never seemed that way to me, and I did not go around declaring that I had the ability to get what I wanted when I wanted it. In life, I … More Whatever I Want