The Year That Was 2016

  Hello there Vikings! As the year slowly comes to an end, I can’t help but think what a wild, crazy, unpredictable, melancholy year this has been. To me, it seemed heinous crimes reached an all-time high, young and older people have died at alarming rates, cost of living skyrocketed, and the confusion regarding the leadership … More The Year That Was 2016

Miss Biased

Ever since I came back from Florida I keep hearing rumors about me which allude to the fact that I am prejudiced towards lighter complected individuals which I find quite hilarious. Most of my life due to The White Jamaican status of my family, and my caramel tan, I have been treated like the dark horse … More Miss Biased

The Uncles

I have often said, I am an equal opportunity kvetcher. So being fair, since in my previous blog posts I wrote about my aunts, and cousins, it is only natural to write about my uncles. My biological Granny had 5 boys and 3 girls. So, technically, I have four uncles and the fifth one is my adoptive … More The Uncles


The teen years are one of the most tumultuous times in any young girl or boy’s  life. It is a time of great changes, and  socialization. It is a period when the seeds of greatness are planted and harvested through our endeavors in education. For me, although it was the best of times and the … More Quinceanera

The Talk Every Father Needs to Have With Beaus & Husbands

Howdy there Vikings! While we are waiting for the world to correct itself from all the natural disasters, unrest and heinous crimes, unfortunately it seems as if the natives have grown weary and restless. Each and everyday as we listen to the news or read the papers we hear of the most incorrigible human acts. … More The Talk Every Father Needs to Have With Beaus & Husbands