The Talk Every Father Needs to Have With Beaus & Husbands


Howdy there Vikings! While we are waiting for the world to correct itself from all the natural disasters, unrest and heinous crimes, unfortunately it seems as if the natives have grown weary and restless.

Each and everyday as we listen to the news or read the papers we hear of the most incorrigible human acts. Some of these crimes are being committed against women and young girls.

Due to the current climate of unrest and violence the time has come for fathers to step up. Fathers need to have “the chat” with blokes who desire to squire their daughters about town. Why? Because dating should no longer be a frivolous act indulged in for pleasure or games.

Gone are the times when suitors can lure young women to places unknown, where personal dramas ensue and they have no accountability for what takes place. Many times young women are left twisting in the wind because their paramours act up because they made plans with four other girls and their time becomes limited.

So for them to live up to their obligations to the other women, another woman’s time gets cut short, and the potential mate does not care less, because he is on to greener pastures. The woman may be left in the lurch or in an environment she is not sure about.

It is during these times of chaos and turmoil that strange things can take place. Fathers need to have the stern talk with the young cads making them to understand in no uncertain terms that they cannot “dilly-dally” with their daughters’ safety.

Times are too serious, not to be invested in the young women fellows decide to pursue. No longer is it acceptable for young girls to go traipsing after unsavory characters who are just stringing them along for fun and frolic.

The patriarchs of the family need to inform the young lotharios that if they are not interested in buying the cow then they need to mosey on to a different farm.

It makes no sense for a young woman to risk life and limb just to be with a knuckle head who is not even concerned about her well-being and safety.

The talk not only pertains to potential swains but also to husbands who are not diligent about their wives’ whereabouts or welfare. So many times spouses take their wives comings and goings for granted, not even offering an iota of concern or making sure they arrive at their destinations all in one piece.

If a father never had “the talk” on his daughter’s wedding day with her intended, it is never too late to roll out his riot act regarding future actions. We are living in times where nothing can be taken for granted and partnerships are no longer mindless acts we participate in.


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