Friendship Drama: What’s The Diagnosis?


There has to be a name for the sort of person or persons who find joy in bringing all of life’s drama to you when you are busy, quietly doing your own thing.

By nature, I am a quiet, focused person. You will very rarely hear a squeak out of me unless people botch my business requests or they are rude and condescending. Other than those instances, I try to keep a low profile.

I think because of my focused nature, many individuals find it a challenge to get a “rise” out of me. They will inundate my world with all sorts of he said, she said dramatics hoping to lure me away from tasks at hand.

When I decide not to pay any of the rebel rousers any attention they will add my name into the dramatic mix, so that I will definitely get riled up and react. In the beginning, when I was completely naïve to the game I would step right into the histrionics, thus allowing myself to become uncontrollably upset.

Then I realized there are some individuals in this world who derive great pleasure from distracting you from your mission and purpose in life. I am not sure if they are just toxic, narcissistic or just selfish.

I do know there are those human beings who tend to have theatrics with all of their life’s interactions. When the interactions are joyous they seldom clue you in. But, when they go awry, you are taken on every, traumatic twist and turn imaginable with little regard for your own woes.

There has got to be a name for persons who find something wrong with every human interaction, yet they still choose to be buxom buddies with these people who create drama. The funny thing is, as an impartial person you get to hear all the sordid details of every interaction; and if you are smart, at some point you too will realize your shortcomings will also become the central topic of conversations with the same people who the person/persons kvell about on a frequent basis.

There has got to be a logical diagnosis….Perhaps, the professional instigator?


“Instigators are disguised haters trying to create more drama to have a story to tell.”

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