Miss Biased


Ever since I came back from Florida I keep hearing rumors about me which allude to the fact that I am prejudiced towards lighter complected individuals which I find quite hilarious.

Most of my life due to The White Jamaican status of my family, and my caramel tan, I have been treated like the dark horse so why would I turn around and treat other people with the same indifference I have detested most of my life?

As the rumors began to gain momentum I decided to conduct research to find out where the venomous words were coming from. Lo and behold! I found out it was right within mi familia.

After making me feel ostracized for all these years, they had the nerve to cast judgment on me as being biased and prejudiced. Here are the facts. You will never find me saying anything derogatory about anyone or anything unless they have given me more than ample cause to do so.

There are members of my family who would like to make others think I hate black people. As far as I am concerned no one is black. Black is the color of soot. Therefore black people do not exist.

Second of all, when all of them were acting high and mighty, pretending that their high yellow complexions and straight hair would be the only visa they needed in life, I was busy sustaining some of the most incredible friendships with Black American people.

Every day of my life I received scoldings for forging certain friendships. I think my family decided to reign me in when I developed a friendship with a Nigerian person.

It did not matter that they were from notable families and progressive individuals. All they saw was color and felt I would end up bare feet and pregnant and on drugs by mere association.

I will admit that some of the friendships were quite useful to me and some may have ruined my life in unimaginable ways. So, if it seems as if I have become more reserved regarding my interactions with certain minority groups it is because of my own harrowing experiences.

It has been my opinion that a good percentage of black men love dating white and exotic women, but all they want to do is lay down their pipes, impregnate women, talk about it as fodder and walk away.

Some of them are often involved in BS businesses and basically lead you down the garden path with not even as much as a map to find your way back.

My family have always been the ones who dinned into my brain that a man has to have a plan, and at least many more farthings than you do. They have often impressed that sweet talk is okay for about two minutes then they have to show and prove.

I am not saying that caucasian men and men of other races are not devilish when it comes to leaving women twisting in the wind, but the percentages prove that more black men tend to flitter around, pollinate, and then continue to pollinate some more without any commitment.

Unfortunately, I waded through a few frogs before I grasped the concept my family tried to instill in me from the beginning. There was a time when I thought it was a “foreigner thing” but I believe it is their way because they treat their own women in the same manner.

They just have not grasped the concept that you do not have to try every apple in the basket before settling on one. Perhaps their short comings may be due to the lack of father figures who should have taught them how to love and treat women well.

Anyway, the point I am trying to make is simply that I treat people the way they treat me. There are some folks who are quite outlandish with their ways with no regard for others, and those are the folks who bugger me at times.

I am talking about the ones who will try to barrage me with their way of thinking while denouncing other ethnicities. Or the ones who feel it is okay to drug it up without regard for anyone else and how it may affect their health.

Growing up I was exposed to all sorts of people from various stations in life. I never really viewed them as any particular color but as people. They were either good people, or folks you wanted to avoid.

It is strange how my critics try to crucify me for slights they have made up and actually brainwashed themselves to believe. On several occasions, I have been privy to the bourgeoise and elite Black Americans calling their own similar country men the “N” word because they acted in less than stellar ways by cranking up the music or dressing in a manner that was not pleasing to them.

As far as I am concerned there is no greater prejudice than the one that exists amongst black Americans regarding skin tones, economic status and quality of hair. They have showed me just how ridiculous life can get.


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