We live in a time where entrepreneurialism has taken center stage. Every day we are being advised by successful business gurus to strive for success in order to live large or live the good life. All the encouragement and motivation are contagious however navigating the real world one quickly finds out that when you aspire to be … More COVETED

The Changing Tides

These are exciting and ominous times here in the United States. The country is on the precipice of finding out if the they re going to be steered towards good leadership and meaningful changes for all residents. There are revolts occurring in the name of women’s rights and human rights, and although many demonstrations have escalated … More The Changing Tides

A Circumspect Burial

During my arduous journey in life, there was only one person in my family who oversaw all the hardships, snubs, and isolations I experienced within my family. She understood exactly what was going on because she too had been treated disdainfully. This person was my second aunt on my biological mothers’ side. She basically vindicated me on … More A Circumspect Burial

The Reasons I Cannot Practice Random Acts Of Kindness

I was raised in a time where we were taught phrases such as “The Lord loves a cheerful giver”, and “Charity begins at home.” These mantras prompted me to conduct good deeds and taught me valuable lessons about being a good person, giving and being kind. However, over the years I have realized my path in life … More The Reasons I Cannot Practice Random Acts Of Kindness

Mischief Makers

It seems to me that when people are not able to demolish your life with the lies they fabricate, then it becomes time to enlist your nearest and dearest to be part of their hate fest. Or they will try to create the illusion that there are enemies in your camp that you are not … More Mischief Makers

Persistent Haters

Goor Morginn Vikings! This day I much prefer to issue my greetings in Old Norse. It’s the eighth day of the new year and already we have experienced and survived our first snow storm. It’s the eighth day of the new year and already we have experienced and survived our first snow storm. One would think with a new … More Persistent Haters

The Next Time….

We live in a world where most people are upset about political correctness, yet they are the same folks who have “isms” about the most nonsensical things. There are ethnicities who will boycott a company or persons just because they made a thoughtless remark about race. However, they will be the first ones to create … More The Next Time….