The Next Time….


We live in a world where most people are upset about political correctness, yet they are the same folks who have “isms” about the most nonsensical things. There are ethnicities who will boycott a company or persons just because they made a thoughtless remark about race.

However, they will be the first ones to create dissension or declare themselves ring leaders of revolts, thus creating more hate, prejudice and complete dismissal of their race. The results which manifest help to vindicate their agitators. Indirectly they prove them right through their vagabond actions.

I am a person who has compassion for all people’s suffering. Although I was raised as a white European-Jamaican, it did not deter me from forging friendships with all ethnicities. My world became tainted when minorities had negative things to say about my culture without any regard for my feelings.

The fact of the matter was, if I were to say the same thoughtless negative remarks, they would be calling down every regulatory agency imaginable. I know this because I may have mentioned before that when I lived in Florida I casually made a remark, saying “Those people” while watching a program at the hospice center when I had gone to visit with one of the patients.

It so happened that the people I was referring to were black. One of the orderlies there must have overheard me and took offense to the situation. Before I knew it, I had an International incident on my hands.

The truth is, I say “these people”, “those people” all the time. Even when I am referring to friends and relatives. At times I may say, “Those people are nutty” “Or these folks are being unreasonable”. When I use the words “those” and “these” I am referring to people in general. I seldom care if they are yellow, green or blue. If they are acting absurd then they are “those absurd people”.

Now, if I were to say those black people, yellow people or green people, then that might definitely be seen as being biased.

Over the years I tried my best to create friendships with black Americans, however, I found they were my staunchest critics and often misconstrued whatever I said. It was okay for them to berate my culture and me without remorse. But, if I made one naive remark it was often taken out of context purposefully because of my heritage and legacy.

Because of my very blunt nature, I receive threats from my nemeses wanting to settle my pudding on a frequent basis. The thing is, I am not one to instigate fights and discord. If people are going to be hypersensitive about every little remark then I rather not even indulge in conversations because it would feel disingenuous.

My biological father is also a person who is quite blunt and calls things the way he sees it. In business, he has often been accused of being impartial and not paying enough attention to the masses.

So instead of them having a civilized sit-down and airing any grievances, they decided to conduct an uprising jeopardizing the safety of my family. These same people who claim they are being slighted or treated with prejudice resorted to violence breaking into my family’s home promising next time they are going to defile and maim my family.

As Gandhi once said, “Nothing great was ever accomplished by violence.”

I am sure the terrorists have proven that fact over and over again in America, because with each time they strike America retaliates BIGGER and BOLDER than ever.

I learned a long time ago in life that you cannot make people like you, pay attention to you or love you the way you want them to. No matter how barbaric, threatening and brutal you become people are who they are.

I believe when they are given proper explanations and reasons as to why certain individuals are the way they are then they learn tolerance, patience, and understanding. Ultimately, all we can hope for is respect. If we get it fine. If not, we can choose not to deal with people who are disrespectful towards us.

I know as a fact my family is respectful towards all humans. However, just like any other ethnic group in the world they do have the right to voice who they would rather see their children with. It does not make them prejudice. It just makes them practical parents. Because let’s be realistic, no one else knows their children more than parents do.

In my family, we have a saying, “You cannot mete out pain for punishment or pleasure without expecting the same in return.”

When a people who feel they have been wronged and make it their lifelong crusade; turn around and create grief and harm to others because of their belief system…What do you suppose God will do?

The bible promises he will return to them their deeds 70 times 7.. . … All things as we know it will occur in God’s timing of seventy times seven / 70 x 7.

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