We Will Show Her……


No matter how long you live in this life, and no matter how hard you try to perfect being nice, there are always going to be people who detest you, criticize you or shun you on purpose.

Most of my life I thought I was a fair person of an even temperament. If people did not go out of their way to harass, annoy or upset me then I had no issues with anyone. Or so I thought.

It appears that in this vast world we live in most folks want to tell each other how to act, think, be or respond. Free will is seeming like a virtue of the past. It is almost as if “the elitists” are trying to take our human rights away.

In comparison to some people I have met on my journey of life, I am a peach. If you don’t bother me, I will not bother you. I make an effort not to gossip offensively about anyone. When I do speak of people, I am speaking of my truth and experiences with them.

My critics may think I am being sassy, rude or displaying an “attitude”, but the truth is,  I was born this way. From the time I was a toddler, I gave my nannies a hard way to go. I would tell them what I wanted, how I wanted things done and when they should do it.

When I was a little girl my biological father told me, “If you do not ask or insist on what you want in life, people will just give you what they feel….And that could be anything.”

The reason why he felt it necessary to talk to me about being a bit more assertive was because as a child, although I was precocious, I was also very “soft” and too kind-hearted. The children in school would run rings around me at times.

As a young adult my father also noticed men would just act any way they pleased without regard for my feelings and he felt certain if I were just a bit more demanding holding them accountable for their actions, my relationships would have fared better.

But it appears that even in my passive states, my way of being offends a great deal of people urging them to say, “She has an attitude problem!” Or “We’ll show her!”, by that they mean they are going to make attempts to bring me down a few notches because they feel I am too big for my britches.

It’s funny how they don’t have issues with me when I am being all philanthropical and giving. But the moment I wisen up and decide to be a better steward of my finances all hell breaks loose.

Here’s the thing……Most of these people criticizing me think I am a teeny Bopper they can talk about like a dirty dish rag and like a good obedient dog I am supposed to acquiesce to their harassment and hardball tactics.

Not that it is any of their businesses, but I am well over fifty years old, which means I come from an era and time when people acted in a particular manner to get their points across.

Although I may seem youthful in my mannerisms, I am by no means a little gyal they feel they can haul and pull up as they like. (As they say in Jamaica).

If a person is disrespectful to me I am going to call them on it, address the issue and then get on with my life. I am not a rebel rouser or a trouble maker. I do not get any satisfaction from creating unpleasant situations.

I have found there is a sector of people, especially the nouveau riche who think they can lord it over anyone, anyway, they please. Unless they are God, they do not have the right to tell anyone how they should act or think.

They may think they have been victorious by trying to stall my life or putting chinks in my chains or blacklisting me. But you see, my money is on God. I know that he knows that I am always authentically myself and no one can fault any person for being who they are.

So with that knowledge in hand, I know when the time is right God will dole out what they have given to me or done to me in triplicate. I just hope they are gracious enough to take their just desserts without kvetching.

Because sometimes when the shoe is on the other foot we suddenly learn a whole new appreciation for the people we criticize harshly.


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